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有些人对“首日封”非常感兴趣。Some people are very interested in these "first day covers."

我们这儿不但有纪念邮折,还有首日封We not only have the souvenir folders,but also have the first day covers

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哪里可以买到世博护照?首日封或纪念明信片哪里有售?Where can the visitors buy the Expo passport, first-day cover or the commemorative postcard?

文章详细介绍了会期发行的邮票、邮戳、明信片和首日封。Postage stamps, postmarks, postcards and first day covers related to the ICE are described in detail.

邮政部门销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当征收增值税。Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments.

首日封受到本地居民的热烈欢迎,他们在邮局前排成长队。The First Day Envelope is warmly welcomed by local residents who formed a long line in front of post offices.

芬兰邮政局日前发行了以上海世博会芬兰馆“冰壶”为主题的邮票和首日封。The Finnish Post issued stamps and a first-day cover featuring Finland's pavilion "Kirnu" in Shanghai World Expo.

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芬兰邮政局周二发行了以上海世博会芬兰馆“冰壶”为主题的邮票和首日封。Thee Finnish Post Tuesday issued stamps and a first-day cover featuring Finland's pavilion "Kirnu" in Shanghai World Expo.

芬兰邮政局周二发行了以上海世博会芬兰馆“冰壶”为主题的邮票和首日封。The Finnish Post Tuesday issued stamps and a first-day cover featuring Finland's pavilion " Kirnu " in Shanghai World Expo.

加拿大邮政局将会邀请最新蛇年首日封邮票及钱币等多名设计师莅临现场签名及售卖各式邮票海报,届时定必热闹挤拥。One of all-time sponsors, Canada Post, has invited 'Year of Snake' stamp designers to autograph for every new stamp and coin purchaser at the event.

此外,我一直在收集中国的邮戳,农历新年邮票收集材料,我也有兴趣在不同的国家的首日封。In addition, I have been collecting China's postmark, the Chinese New Year stamp collecting materials, I also interested in the various countries of the FDCs.