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基里巴斯的自然资源非常稀少。Kiribati has few natural resources.

或稀少不齐,颜色暗淡。Or exiguous not neat, color is dim.

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街上行人稀少。There were few people in the street.

具有七个顶点的多面体是稀少的。Polyhedra with seven vertices are rare.

虎本来就很稀少,勇猛为兽中之王。Hu had very few, brave as the king of beast.

靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐稀少。Toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out.

食物被称重量意味食物稀少。Food being weighed means food has become scarce.

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愿吕便存活不至死亡,愿他人数不至稀少。Let Reuben live and not die, nor his men be few.

对于一个人口稀少的世界而言,这样的策略无疑是正确的。It was the right strategy in an underpopulated world.

毛细胞非常稀少。Hair cells that are inside your brain are very scarce.

相对于其它地方,美国的甘露蜜十分稀少。Honeydew honey is relatively rare in the United States.

一个原因就是它们的数量非常稀少One reason is that they're present in very small numbers.

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男士送花不应该太频繁或太稀少。Guys shouldn't give flowers too often or too infrequently.

杰作武器和铠甲应当稀少而且昂贵。Masterwork weapons and armour should be rare and expensive.

现在关于天珠的有价值的信息非常稀少。There is little precise information available on dzi beads.

稀土是17种元素的总称,其实稀土并不稀少。Despite their collective name, the 17 elements are not rare.

在国外受训的专家变得越来越稀少。Foreign-trained specialists have become increasingly scarce.

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出租车就像在多数日子中下午5点出现的幸运赌客一样稀少。Taxis are as scarce as lucky gamblers come 5pm on most days.

无线电波稀少、昂贵并且波谱范围有限,这种限制无法满足无线数据的传播需求。It is this limitation which does not cope with wireless data.

使用价值的两重性指的是有用性和稀少性。The duality of use value refers to its usefulness and rarity.