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耶路撒冷名胜图片。一条街景在老城市。A street scene in the Old City.

在谷歌街景地图中,Cadie取代了pegman人形图标。In Google Maps Street View, Cadie replaced pegman.

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瑞安·菲勒是谷歌街景视图的项目总监。Ryan Falor, project manager of Google's Street View.

而且街景与纽约市非常相似。and they had streets that were similar to New York City.

谷歌提供街景鸟瞰和住家的卫星图像。Google offers street views and satellite imagery of homes.

因此显然这个时候Google街景功能就派上用场了。So clearly this is where Google Streetview comes in handy.

斯第斯卡尔为我们展示了一幅街景,地点大概是在纽约。Stayskal shows us a street scene in what is probably New York.

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这是8月18日一名游客在从窗口向外张望卡米尼托的街景。Here, a tourist looks at Caminito Street from a window on Aug. 18.

犯罪人员可以利用“街景”,找到进出房屋的路径。Criminals can use the " streetscape" to find the path out of housing.

在不久的将来,白金汉宫的图片还将被收入街景地图。It hopes to put Buckingham Palace into Street View in the near future.

请您慢点儿开。如果你不介意,我想看看街景。Please drive slowly. I'd like to go around the city, if you don't mind.

该街景项目是芝加哥最早的公私合作项目之一。The streetscape was one of Chicago's first public-private partnerships.

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观看谷歌街景能得到相当于从一架小望远镜里向外看的视觉效果。Swapping to street view is the equivalent of looking through a spyglass.

11月11日以后特拉比轿车成为西柏林寻常街景。By Nov. 11, Trabants had become a common sight on the streets of West Berlin.

如果是,街景地图最后会变成中央情报局编造的报告的样子吗?If so, will StreetView eventually look like one of those redacted CIA reports?

这里的河流是那样的蜿蜒曲折、波光粼粼,映射出一派宁静祥和的街景。The winding rivers with sprinkling ripples reflect the tranquil street scenes.

这里的河流是那样的蜿蜒盘曲、波光粼粼,映射出一派安好祥和的街景。The winding rivers with sparkling ripples give away the tranquility it has acquired.

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一个韩国国内的搜索引擎,Daum,已经提供了一个和“街景”极其相似的服务,并且相当流行。One domestic search engine, Daum, already runs a popular service akin to Street View.

跳上一架“叮叮”,车上没什么人,只有几个洋人在摄录街景。I jumped up into a "ding ding" car, No one on board , only a few foreigners in video scenes.

街景地图还具有对人脸和车牌号进行自动模糊处理的功能。Street View also features technology that automatically blurs both faces and licence plates.