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他们会介意吗?Do they mind?

我抽烟您介意吗?Mind if I smoke?

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不,当然不介意.No,of course not.

希望您别介意。Hope you don't mind.

我一点也不介意。I don't mind at all.

我并不太介意。I'm not too bothered.

不必对此介意。Never mind about that.

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不介意我抽根烟吧?Do you mind if I smoke?

你介意我抽烟吗?Do you mind my smoking?

问公主休闲音乐聊天室吧。我不介意。Go ahead. I don't mind.

我不介意。Oh,I'm willing to wait.

我会介意说出我的年龄吗?Do I mind telling my age?

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你介意在这里抽烟吗?Do you mind sm oing here?

您介意吃养殖鱼吗?Don't mind a farmed fish?

我并不介意多交些税。I don't mind paying more.

我不介意你的迟到。I don't mind your lating.

所以我并不介意成为我自己。So I don’t mind being me.

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你不介意我抽支烟吧?Would you mind if I smoke?

你介意读一下它吗?Would you mind reading it?

并不介意你爱不爱我。Never mind about loving me.