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生命太短暂,不容人细品!Life is too short to be little!

他往往不能容人。He is intolerant towards others.

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是世界上最有容人之量的行业。It's the most tolerant in the world.

在这大干世界上,需要的是一种容人悔改的美德。Virtue. in the great world, should be amenable.

⊙、唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。Only can allowing people wide, only thick can slide.

你要能容人所不容,抗失败的能力就会强。You will not stand-up, resistance to the failure of the ability is strong.

它只把果子埋在地底,等到成熟,才容人把它挖出来。It just bury the fruit into the soil and dont allowed to be digged out until ripe.

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主要表现在学生的网络生活质量并不容人乐观。The main problem is that the realm of lives on the web are not made people optimistic.

当你批评时,你只显示出你自己的不能容人。When you criticize, you are only pointing out beliefs in yourself that cannot accommodate the other behavior.

虽然他们仍然不好对付,但是他们没有耐性,没有容人的度量,更没有清晰长远的目光。Although they are still formidable opponents, but they have no patience, no man metrics, not even clear long-term vision.

爱人之德、御人之术、容人之量三者形成了一个相互补助的整体架构。The morality of loving others, the proper way of managing others and the magnanimity of treating others form a whole mutually supplemented frame.

交流会现有会员超过13000人,在它大得可容人进出的冷藏库、冷冻库和地窖里,存放着数万种传家宝品种的种子。The exchange now has more than 13, 000 members and keeps in its walk-in coolers, freezers, and root cellars the seeds of many thousands of heirloom varieties.

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如产品因尺码不对或买家不喜欢实物产品,星际将拿回货品而不会对客方收取任何费用或向容人更换产品再试。In the case of the item that does not fit or is not to the buyer's liking, Star Bike will take the item back or change to a different size with absolutely no charges or fee for this.