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我们的远祖也许就没有过这样的解释。Our distant forbears would not have understood such an interpretation.

源自1413年凉茶远祖、英伦皇室特供茶!Herbal tea from the remote ancestor of 1413, British Royal Special tea!

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采用这些数据,我们来估计已经灭绝的类人猿和人类远祖的社会行为。We used this information to estimate the social behaviour of extinct apes and hominins.

远祖前辈生活在黄土高坡,朗朗的欢笑,燃烧着内心的激情。Your ancesters lived in the Loess Plateau, with the clear laughter burning your intense emotion.

它从某种程度上可以说是后来那些多种多样的头上长角恐龙的远祖。It was sort of the grandfather or great-uncle of the really diverse horned dinosaurs that came after it.

向日葵是许多人都喜爱的花,最近一队阿根廷考古专家在巴塔哥尼亚地区发现了向日葵远祖的化石。A fossilised flower found in Patagonia by an Argentinean team is shedding light on the origins of sunflowers.

我们的远祖来自中东,更具体的说是西南亚,也就是现在的以色列。Our ancient roots are from the area now called Israel, part of Middle East, specifically it is southwestern Asia.

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尼安德塔人被认为是现代人最接近的远祖,有些科学家甚至把两者看做是同一个物种。Neanderthals are believed to be modern humans' closest ancestor, and some scientists view both as the same species.

图案是典型的中国式,以周朝青铜器上的图案为远祖。The motifs are classic Chinese ones that are variations on themes that go all the way back to Zhou dynasty bronzes.

但她也强调,该“表演”同样寓意着当代人类与史前远祖并无本质区别。But she said it also carries a message that humans today are not all that different from their prehistoric ancestors.

人类学家极想知道现今生活在太平洋群岛上的波利尼亚各族人的远祖是从哪里迁来的。Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polyesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from.

要知道,我从雅达利和任天堂远祖时代玩到几个月前。Understand that I've played videogames my entire life starting with Atari & Nintendo right up till just a few months ago.

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人类学家过去不清楚如今生活在太平洋诸岛的波利尼西亚各民族的远祖来自何方。Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from.

波利尼西亚人的远祖于5000到6000年前离开中国大陆,并最终于1000年前征服了波利尼西亚大部分地区。These remote ancestors left the mainland around 5000-6000 years ago, and colonized most of Polynesian about 1000 years ago.

十八世纪关于高贵野蛮人的写照,混淆了人类远祖与遭其捕猎的动物之间的区别,实为短浅之见。The eighteenth-century picture of the noble savage was short-sighted. It confused a distant ancestor with the animals he hunted.

第四纪的凉爽气温或许让我们的大脑比人类远祖的大脑更大。The cool temperatures of the Quaternary may have allowed our brains to become much larger than those of our of hominid ancestors.

作为四千七百万年前的一具很可能是人类远祖的生物遗体,她的结构细节仍然完整无缺,从她身上,我们可以学到许多。The 47 million-year-old remains of a plausible human ancestor, with structural details still intact, can teach us an enormous amount.

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展示的是人在回顾中追寻远祖的根源,将传统化为生存本领的一种精神努力。These poems display the pursuit for the ancient roots in recollections, changes the traditional survival skills into a mental effort.

在华夏远祖尚武传统的熏陶下,侠萌蘖于上古时期的士阶层。Under the influence of China ancestor esteemed martial arts tradition, knight-errants were born from "gentleman" class in the antiquity time.

我也不明白我为什么要仅仅因为某人的远祖是一个比其他人更强悍的本地黑帮首领就要叫他王子或是国王。Nor do I see why I should call anyone prince or king just because his distant ancestor was the chief of a more powerful local gang than the others.