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我设了个毒计来摆布她。I had evil plans for her.

我们是听任命运摆布的块垒吗?Are we the puppets of fate?

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她让自己的婴儿任由命运摆布。She abandoned her baby to fate.

琼罟·布罗迪是个善于摆布他人的高手,欺骗了所有人。Art dealers fool a lot of people.

她丈夫完全任由她摆布。She had her husband by the short hairs.

我和我的一切必然任你摆布。Perforce am thine and all that is in me.

他在10英尺摆布摔下并违部着地。He fell like 10ft and landed on hellos back.

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他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。He expects his wife to be meek and submissive.

因此女人任由她生理的摆布。So the woman was at the mercy of her physiology.

我们如何能做到这一点,而又不受时装潮流的摆布呢?How can we do this without becoming a fashion slave?

一盒两个拆的童贞膜出售价正在500元摆布!A box of two Japanese hymens can sell around 500 yuan!

任由财富摆布自己的人,不算拥有财富。He does not possess wealth that allows it to possess him.

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我知道我控制了局面,对她任意摆布。I knew I controlled the situation, and I manipulated her.

他们在海上迷失了方向,任由风浪摆布。They were lost at sea, at the mercy of the winds and waves.

我对走进D厅受那些罪犯的摆布心怀忧惧。I dreaded going over to D hall to be manipulated by prisoners.

我无力的任由你摆布,淡漠的停留在你的枷锁你。Rest on your fetters faintly, I just have no courage to admit.

他们在海上迷了路,任凭风和天气的摆布。They were lost at the sea, at the mercy of the wind and weather.

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这使得希腊政府的官僚能任意摆布参与交易的人。This puts consenting adults at the mercy of the Greek bureaucracy.

不要因它怪诞就俯首听命,听任它的摆布。Don't toe the line just as it is grotesque , left to the mercy of it.

越来越多穷人受昧良心的放债人摆布。Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of heartless money-lenders.