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明天是邻村市集的日子。To-morrow is market day in the next village.

我们必须过那座桥才能到邻村。We must cross the bridge to go into the neighboring village.

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她父母在她年幼时就把她许配给邻村的一个小男孩。Her parents betrothed her to the boy of the neighboring village.

昨天在邻村是农房开门的日节的。Yesterday, in the neighbouring villages, it was "open-farm" day.

随后在瓦察的邻村发现了病例。Cases were subsequently detected in the neighbouring village of Watsa.

妈妈把她的水壶夹在腰间,去邻村汲水。Clasping her pitcher to her waist mother went to fetch water from the village nearby.

周六,我请教了邻村管理桔园的农艺师。Saturday, I asked a neighboring village management of citrus orchard of the agronomist.

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明天是邻村市集的日子,你叫你的仆人去帮你买些纸和笔来。Tomorrow is market day in the next village. You ask your maid to buy some pens and papers.

第四户位于约10公里外的邻村Kabanjahe。The fourth household was located about 10 kilometres away in the nearby village of Kabanjahe.

该村村民主要是壮族,和越南邻村村民属于同一个民族。The people lived here are Zhuangs and they have the same clans with neighboring village of Vietnam.

那天清晨,这个妇女去了邻村,傍晚时回的家。Early in the morning this woman went to the neighboring village and came back only in the afternoon.

无论徒步将东西带到邻村,还是乘坐火箭到月亮去,人们都在使用运输工具。Whether carrying something on foot to a neighboring village or rocketing to the moon, man uses transportation.

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在过去的20年间,华西村吞并了12个邻村作为他的工业基地并且其影响蔓延。In the past two decades, Huaxi swallowed 12 neighbouring villages as its industry and influence sprawled outwards.

在这一带山区,多年未见过这样的盛况了。邻村的人也来了,人人兴高采烈。The mountains had seen nothing like it in years and people gathered from neighboring villages in a holiday spirit.

村民们说,根本没有哪家的女儿愿意嫁到邻村,除非婆家愿意拿出一个女儿来交换。Villagers say that no girl may marry into a neighbouring village until her in-laws promise to provide a girl in return.

我上学不久,父亲被邻村一位养鱼专业户请去守鱼池,每月能赚50元。Soon after I went to school, father was hired by a fish raiser to keep watch rearing pond , which earned 50 yuan per month.

传说邻村西溪村闹鬼,村人凿了一个青石宝塔镇在溪边,鬼就被赶到了东溪村。Village Creek Village haunted legends, villagers digging a river in the town engraved art, ghost was rushed to the East seven.

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我在救灾期间成为Metta的义工,帮忙在自己村里和到邻村分发物资。I became a volunteer for Metta during the relief period. I helped distribute supplies in our village and neighbouring villages.

间皮瘤是一种发生在胸膜与腹腔模的癌症,该疾病也是造成邻村沙里希帝尔与卡林不幸的元凶。Mesothelioma — cancer of the lining of the chest or abdomen — has also been the scourge of the nearby villages of Sarihidir and Karain.

石壁村的群众得悉邻村遭到“还乡团”袭击的消息后,立即开会商讨应变措施。As soon as Stone Wall Village heard the news of what had happened to its neighbor, the farmers called a meeting to discuss the situation.