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他一定非常地爱她。对比一下浪漫惊喜简谱。He must have loved her very much.

有时也煞有介事,拿着简谱在钢琴上摩拳擦掌。Sometimes story, take on the piano chords try.

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简谱的数字上有个点的,要怎么吹啊?。What does the dot under a number in the numbered musical notation mean?

所有歌曲都附上完整的歌词和歌曲简谱。This page is for all the Mandarin songs. All the songs have complete lyrics and song chords.

这样都能让同学们在乐趣与自己的成就感之中学习简谱…This can give students a sense of accomplishment in the fun into learning with their own notation.

令我们惊讶的是,她看着简谱就能吹好多歌曲了。To our surprise, she was good enough to play many songs just by seeing the numbered musical notation.

目前,大多数歌曲都是以简谱的形式发表,没有现成的钢琴伴奏谱。At present, because of lacking perfect music score, most of the songs are published by numbered musical notation.

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论文就讨论了简谱教学的兴趣培养和简谱教学的重要性。Paper discusses the notation for the interest of teaching the importance of teaching culture and musical notation.

基于对现有软件、简谱特性和可利用的新技术的综合分析,设计并实现了这个原型系统。Based on the research of existing music editing systems and recognition technologies, we have designed and implemented this prototype.

本章在前人研究基础上,辅以笔者新见材料,为王季烈编写了较为详细的生平简谱。In this chapter, based on previous studies, supplemented by the new material, Wang Jilie has prepared a more detailed notation of life.

贵刊从今年起增辟了「每月一歌」单元,这是个很好的构想,然而很遗憾地,其乐谱只写出「简谱」。Your new feature this year, "Song of the Month, " is a fine idea, but unfortunately the musical notation is by number instead of by notes and clefs.

若要转制成简谱版或翻译至其他语言,需先取得新心同意。For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages, please contact New Heart for prior approval.

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同学三年,加之两人道格比罗密欧与朱丽叶简谱力相投,她们俩走到一路,起头爱情瓜葛了。The schoolfellow three years, add on two human of disposition comparisons to be congenial, those two arrive the same place, started the love to relate.

论述用图象处理机实现印刷体简谱识别并通过IBM-PC微机演唱的方法。In this paper, describes the method of using a TMS32020 image processor to realize the recognition of printed music and playing with an IBM-PC computer.

自20年代起,源于法国的简谱由日本传人中国,并被采用。简谱是当今中国最常用的记谱法之一。Since the 1920s an originally French numerical system of notation, first used by the Japanese, has been adopted, and is now one of the most commonly used notations in China.

钢琴即兴伴奏的要素包括钢琴技巧、声理论基础、声乐曲目积累与简谱编配。The factors of piano impromptu accompaniment include piano skills, the basic theory of harmony, the accumulation of music pieces or songs and rearrangement of numbered musical notation.

提出用分块的方法分别计算各块的面积和中心矩,从而提高简谱的识别率。Based on the earnest study of recognition theory, a set of feature vectors suitable for the recognition of musical notations is selected according to the characteristics of the notations.

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从清初徽州著名的小说家、戏曲家、刻书家和思想家张潮作品和相关的资料中整理而成的简谱,系统而详尽地介绍了他交游和著述概况。The thesis is a concise chronicle of Zhangchao s life sorted out from his works and some related materials, and it gives a systematic and thorough introduction to his making friends and works.