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阿里克在节目中嘲弄了一众名流。Ali G guyed celebrities on his show.

广告里的画外音是哪个名流配的?。Who's the Celebrity Voice in That Ad?

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和旧时好莱坞的名流们一起参加社交聚会。Partied with the cream of Old Hollywood.

你不知道!我原本可以成为名流。You don't understand! I coulda had class.

地方名流都坐在台上。The local worthies all sat on the platform.

当局于今晨较早的时间释放了该位社交名流。Authorities freed the socialite early this morning.

这块奇妙的地皮为历代帝王、名流所景仰。The land is respected by monarch and famous persons.

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那家名流聚集的餐馆的饭菜很一般。The celebrity-packed restaurant serves mediocre food.

他是国际名流和皇室的座上宾。He is a favorite of international socialites and royalty.

倘若赫斯渥有什么可倾心的,那就是倾心名流。If Hurstwood had one leaning, it was toward notabilities.

两位名流OOXX种下因,结出像我这样的果。When two celebrities mate, something like me is the result.

在上演名流悲剧的戏院里,每一出戏都有三幕。In the theater of celebrity tragedy, each play has three acts.

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他游刃有余地参加名流晚宴,宛如政坛老将。He navigates celebrity dinner galas like a seasoned politician.

但是沃思夫人呢,华府的名流?But what of Mrs. Longworth, the celebrated Washington socialite?

比之名流显士,我更加关注无名小卒。I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous.

对经前综合症的研究是由社会许多名流引发的。The study of PMS was brought about by many characters in society.

当然,并非所有的长期存在的餐厅都是名流常出没之处。Of course, not all long-standing restaurants are celebrity haunts.

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那时,乔布斯已经是一位商业界名流了。By then, Jobs was already one of the first true business celebrities.

众多的好莱坞名流都去光顾珍妮特·沃恩的美甲店。The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan's nail salon.

精英酒吧有许多名人,社交名流和模特。There are many celebrities, top-class citizens and models at Elite Bar.