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小孩子嗬嗬做声表示称心满意。The child purred content.

胸无大志,事事称心。Little thing please little minds.

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那位老人晚年过得很称心。The old man spent his old age in contentment.

所以,学生的称心度长短常主要的。So, the student satisfaction is very important.

红果说必然会找到季洁称心的衣服的。Euonymus said will find JiJie gratified clothes.

大体上说来,乔治那天真是称心满意。George was highly pleased with his day's business.

只听到称心和如意,决不敢有所反对。And hear the indorsement of all, and do not object to it.

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而且,我与少数称心的人交换了电话号码。And yes, I did exchange numbers with a few eligible guys.

我内疚地接过一枝点上,心称心足地抽起来。I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction.

“我可不称心,”背后一个脸色阴沉的胖女人大声喊。"not fine to me, " shouted a large surly woman in the back.

我置信新包装定会使您的客户称心。Im sure the new packing will give your clients satisfaction.

大体上说来,乔治那天真是称心满意。Altogether, George was highly pleased with his day's business.

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描写你对于疑难题目的措置惩罚不称心的一次履历。Describe a time when a problem wast resolved to your satisfaction.

要幸福就得有闲遐,就得有称心的工作。To be happy, we must have enjoyable leisure time and satisfying work.

幸福是一种圆满的状态,心满意足,称心又如意。Happiness is a state of fullness which is both pleasant and satisfying.

没想到季洁照样不称心,而且还不计划拍封面了。Didn't expect so JiJie not gratified, and still not plans for the cover.

找一本称心合意的本子,要有厚质而有触感的页面和好看的封皮。Invest in a really nice one, with thick, textured pages and a nice cover.

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我想通过我的分析,你也许会想,难道我就找不到一个称心的夫君吗?I think through my analysis, you might think, I can't find a good husband?

英语程度高会在未来有助于你找到一份称心的工作。Higher English level will help you to find a satisfactory job in the future.

这两个回答方式哪一个也不能使他完全称心满意,他就呼呼地直喘气。Not thoroughly pleasing himself with either mode of reply, he breathed hard.