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自由是打开一切樊笼的钥匙。Freedom is the key to open all cages.

他第一次成功地脱出家庭的樊笼。He had won his first release from the fences of home.

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她们从未被容许在这个罪过的樊笼里相爱。They're never been allowed to love in this cured cage.

她们从未被容许在这个罪过的樊笼里相爱。They're never been allowed to love in this cursed cage.

啊,这是一只跳出樊笼自由的鸟儿。Ah, it must have escaped from its cage. It was a free bird!

他曾以为一经关入樊笼,自己一定会发疯的。He had thought that being locked into a cage would send him mad.

对某些人来说,力量像是要冲出樊笼的困兽。To some power is like a trapped animal trying to get out of a cage.

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曾记得詹姆斯说过那些死在樊笼里的人们。I remember James saying something about people who end their lives in caves.

动物权益组织希望释放所有被囚于樊笼的用于化妆品试验的动物。Animal rights groups want the release of all captive animals used for cosmetics testing.

毛延寿的手很脏,多少青春玉女的命运,都泡于同妳一样的樊笼!The dirty hand of Mao Yanshou made so many youthful maidens' fate fall in the similar cages to yours.

同跳出樊笼来思考一样,这个过程涉及到一系列不同的尝试和一些错…As with thinking outside the box, the process includes a series of different and several fales starts.

反之,当你的思维囿于右上的樊笼里,未来就变得暗淡无光了。On the contrary, when you are worried and have your mind caged in sadness, your future will turn dark.

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反之,当你将思维囿于忧伤的樊笼里,未来就就变得暗淡无光了。On the contrary , when you are worried and have your mind caged in sadness, your future will turn dark.

没有火焰好像欲念那样、没有掣肘好像憎恨那样、没有樊笼好像妄想那样、没有河流好像奢望那样。There is no fire like lust. There is no grip like hate. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like craving.

视官场为樊笼密网的陶渊明不愿屈从外物扭曲自我,毅然地返回田园。Regarding the official circle as a close cage and dense net, Tao Yuanming did not want to yield to external substance or accept self-distortion, so he decided to return to the countryside.