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他曾经拥有健壮的让别人妒忌的体魄。He once had a beefy body that others begrudged.

看他棱角分明的下巴和男子汉的体魄!Look at his sculpted chin and masculine physique!

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首先是锻炼、健康体魄、健康思想。This first is exercising. Healthy body, healthy mind.

同时他应该有强健的体魄和良好的精神状态。Also he should be physically strong and mentally sound.

因为我不想开刀后这样不能吃,体魄没力气,需要其他人照顾等等…Well guess that I'm too "Busy Body" to take care of this.

困难磨练意志,劳动增强体魄。Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.

杜立德先生把自己健壮的体魄归功于审慎的生活方式。Mr. Dolittle attributes his good health to careful living.

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这里,有武士的体魄,有武士道的精神。Here you can see the physique of Bushi and their samurai spirits.

你的恒心和努力会为你赢得一生的健康体魄。Your patience and effort will pay off in a lifetime of better health.

我们强壮的体魄,有如我们强健的信念,如山脉般不可动摇。Our Bodies were Strong, as strong as our Faith, unshaken like Mountains.

而且她希望向世界展示自己民族积极向上的精神面貌和强壮的体魄.Also it hopes to show the upward outlook and physical fitness of its people.

事实上芭蕾并不‘女人气’,反然而必须健康的体魄才能跳好。There's nothing effeminate about it — you have to be incredibly fit to dance.

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骨架粗壮、体魄强健、吼声如雷、英勇善斗。Skeleton thick, strong physique, Roar like thunder, the heroic struggle of good.

大韩航空绮已经花费了十五年作为总理的体魄和时装摄影师。Kal Yee has spent over fifteen years as a premier physique and fashion photographer.

在马德里街头,一个看来体魄壮健的年轻人正在向一位绅士乞讨。A young man, who appeared to enjoy robust health, was begging in the street of Madrid.

德罗巴头球能力惊人、空中力量十足,其雄健的体魄在球员中十分罕见。With incredible aerial prowess and power, there are few players in the world as strong.

体育运动赋予郝彤途健康的体魄,也培养了他坚强的性格。Sports have not only shaped his strong body but also cultivated his unyielding character.

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她喜欢跳舞和运动,这让她有了优美的身段和健康的体魄。She likes dancing and doing sports which brings her a beautiful figure and a healthy body.

军事基本技能训练可增强学生的体魄、磨练意志。Basic martial skill training could make students' body stronger and chasten their volition.

我热爱我的学校,所以我要保重身体。只有健康的体魄充当船桨,才能把我带向成功的彼岸。I love my school, so I have to keep healthy, which is like oars leading to the shore of success.