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由于他的死亡,他所有的财产都过继给了他妻子。Upon his decease all his properties passed to his wife.

我没儿子,就从大哥家过继了一个嗣子。I haven't got a son, so I adopted one from my eldest brother.

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过继性回输免疫效应细胞是其中的重要方法之一。Adoptive cellular immunotherapy is one of the important approaches.

航空公司保证按照正当的过继程序办事。The airline guaranteed that proper adoption procedures would be followed.

因此,他买了漂亮、珍珠、宝石为他的两个过继。So he bought beautiful dresses, pearls, and jewels for his two stepdaughters.

目的探讨卵巢癌过继细胞免疫治疗新方法。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of the new method-adoptive cell immunotherapy on ovarian carcinoma.

免疫疗法主要包括肿瘤疫苗治疗、细胞因子治疗、免疫细胞过继治疗、抗体导向治疗等。Immunotherapy includes cancer vaccine therapy, cytokine therapy, adoptive immunocyte therapy, antibody therapy, and so on.

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这些结果显示,使用此方法的过继性T细胞治疗的的安全性,可行性和潜在抗肿瘤活性。These results show the safety, feasibility, and potential antitumor activity of adoptive T-cell therapy using this approach.

本研究证明TIL比LAK细胞更适合应用于肿瘤的过继免疫疗法。These results indicate that TILs are more suitable to the adoptive immunotherapy of turn or as effector cells than LAK cells.

而对况周仪女婿陈巨来的访谈资料似乎又暗示了况周仪与其叔父况澄复杂的过继关系。The interview materials with Chen Julai, Kuang Zhouyi's son-in- law, imply that Kuang Zhouyi was an adopted child of Kuang Cheng.

在中国传统社会,没有儿子的家庭往往采取过继侄子的方法来延续宗祧。Uxorilocal marriage has a long tradition in China, yet the uxorilocal son-in-law never had a lot of prestige in traditional China.

目的探讨CIK过继免疫治疗对手术后肺癌患者T细胞及其活化抗原表达的影响。Objective To investigate the T cell immunophenotype and activation antigen expression in patients with lung cancer treated with CIK.

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这一程序被称为过继转移,是一种肿瘤免疫治疗策略,已经用于多种人类肿瘤的临床试验。This procedure, referred to as adoptive transfer, is an immunotherapy strategy against cancer being tested in a number of human clinical trials.

通过激发机体的主动免疫功能和过继产生被动免疫的基因免疫治疗成为肝癌辅助治疗的热点。Gene-immunological therapy becomes a popular method in the auxiliary therapy of the liver neoplasms by exciting initiative and adoptive immunity.

他的过继弟弟,一个五年级生,在春假时“看起来长大了”,“差不多到了想要什么人,比如一个大哥哥指引的年纪。”His stepbrother, a fifth-grader, “seemed older” at spring break, “almost in that age where he kind of wants guidance, like a big brother,” Sannes said.

本研究正是从过继性免疫细胞治疗的概念出发,探讨肿瘤抗原诱导的脐血细胞的抗肿瘤效应。This research is going to studying the anti-tumor activity of tumor antigen induced cord blood cells based on the definition of adoptive immunotherapy.

为了帮老田一把,佟林把本来坚决不卖的自家祖屋的房产证拿给房三,打算把房子过继给他。In order to help Mr. Tian, Lin tung was determined not to sell his ancestral home of the house property card to room 3, is going to give him the house adoption.

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目的观察过继转输正常妊娠孕鼠的T、B细胞对小鼠自然流产孕鼠妊娠预后的影响。ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of the adoptive transfer of T cells and B cells from the normal pregnancy mice on pregnant outcome of the abortion-prone mice.

这个优秀的工作增强了应用T细胞行过继免疫治疗在初期和进展领域中的热情。"This is fine work that strengthens enthusiasm for the nascent and developing field of adoptive immunotherapy of cancer using T cells, " he told Medscape Oncology.

用于过继免疫治疗的活性细胞必须具有较强的细胞活性和增殖力,CIK细胞被认为是新一代抗肿瘤过继细胞免疫治疗的首选方案。The cell used in adoptive immunotherapy must have strong cytotoxic and proliferative ability, so CIK cell is thought of the new generation anti-tumor adoptive immunity treatment.