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很多功成名就是逼出来的。A lot of successful is forced out.

如果你已功成名就,难免会招来虚假的朋友和真正的敌人。If you are successful, you win false friend and true enemies.

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经过多年的努力工作之后她终于在她的领域功成名就了。After years of hard work, she has finally arrived in her field.

我相信终有一天我会功成名就!I believe that I can finally accomplish both success and fame one day!

也是从那天起,对那些年纪轻轻就功成名就的人,我也不再羡慕。And after that day, I no longer envy any person who success at young times.

这样的车可以显示你已功成名就,并且一路顺风顺水。These are cars which show you've arrived and had a good time along the way.

她告诉埃迪如果他想过功成名就的日子,他就该多加把劲。She told him that if he wanted to live a successful life, he should try harder.

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那是34年前的事了,如今,男孩儿已成为纽约一名功成名就的建筑师。That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City.

象他那样有才能的人是罕见的,而功成名就之后依然保持本色的人更少见。Few fellows had talents like his and fewer still could remain unspoiled by such success.

四人中第一个面对挑战的是功成名就、众所瞩目的足球队队长加雷思·琼斯。First of the four to face the music is football captain and focused achiever Gareth Jones.

这份名单上的球员都是没能在曼联功成名就的,不过当他们离开曼联他们在别处取得了成功。This is a list of players who did not make the cut at United, but went to succeed elsewhere.

整个亚洲都把奥运会主办权看作是发展中国家功成名就的一个标志。Across Asia, hosting the Olympic Games is treated as a sign that a developing country has arrived.

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他虽然身居海外,功成名就,但他热爱祖国,眷恋家乡,热心于公益事。Though he is successful and living abroad, he loves his homeland and is devoted to public welfare.

他们常常来自于竞争性的家庭,功成名就是他们确定不易的目标。They were frequently from competitive families, where public success was the definition of purpose.

18岁的我认为自己将来定能功成名就,于是我离开了伦敦前往纽约,我的事业也就是从那时开始发迹。I think I was 18 or something. I'd left London and went to New York and everything started to happen.'

她是一个功成名就的竞速飞机驾驶员,早在1938年举办的本迪克斯杯全国飞行比赛中就夺得冠军宝座。An accomplished racing pilot, she had earned a victory in 1938’s cross-country Bendix flying competition.

采访徐先生,是在他“功成名就”,担任公司总裁以后。The interview with Mr. Xu was conducted after he had taken the glorious president position of the company.

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影片进行到35分钟,这首歌火了,Dewey开始功成名就。Withen 35 minutes, the song becomes a hit, and Dewey begins to get caught up in the fame of rock and roll.

韩信为感谢漂母一饭之恩,在他功成名就后,送给老妇人很多钱。To reurn the favor of one-meal from mother Piao, after he gained his fame, Hanxin repaid her a lot of money.

在80年代,对于那些正在求取名利,或已经功成名就的人而言,阿玛尼西装就是他们的最佳。In the 80s, the Armani suit became a powerful fashion statement among those on the make and those who had it made.