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她安排新词。She arranges the new word.

“习习”可是个新词。"Xixi" is surely a new word.

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把新词铭记于心。Let new words percolate in your mind.

许多老歌都填了新词来唱。Many old ballads are sung to new words.

我想为这支旧曲填新词。I want to set new words to the old tune.

为赋新词强说愁。New words strong say sorrow for the assignment.

一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。A new wine cup last year old pavilions, weather.

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许多新词将陆续编进这部词典。Many new words will be filed in this dictionary.

这是一本新词高考资源网典,我昨天买的。This is a new dictionary. I bought it yesterday.

研究新词要有动态眼光。A dynamic attitude toward neologism is desirable.

哇,自创了个新词感觉真不错。Oho, the feeling is no bad to design a new words.

第二部分名词新词新义的语义阐析。The second is the analysis of the semantic meaning.

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那一年,爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。That year, love the top floor, for poetry that worry.

在你的词汇库里写上五个新词和短语。Write five new words and phrases in you vocab-builder.

有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases.

请使用输入格式,不要用电子邮件发送新词目。Please use theinputform, don't send new entries by email.

现在要教大家一个新词录音师。Right now we're going to introduce the word sound engineer.

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上海日报报道说,一个汉语新词“给力”,看看围观。The Sha recentghai Daily reported that a Chinese neologism.

对新词和生造词要区别对待。We should make a difference between new words and coinages.

我认为这些新词不值得教给初学者。I don't think these neologisms worth passing on to beginners.