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这是一个棘手的问题。This is a tricky one.

这是一项非常棘手的工作。This is an augean task.

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幽门螺杆菌是非常棘手的。H. pylori is a tricky bug.

我问这个漂亮的棘手。I asked this cutie hottie.

那样会变得有一些棘手。That would be a little tricky.

但这次旅行将更加棘手。But this trip will be trickier.

这是一个棘手的难题。This is an exasperating problem.

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退休费问题是特别棘手的。Pensions are particularly tricky.

的确的确。一个棘手的问题。STUMPER a stumper . A knotty problem.

最伟大或最棘手的故事?The greatest story, or the trickiest?

杂草丛中还潜伏着其它棘手的问题。Other thorny issues lurk in the weeds.

人工授精也很棘手。Artificial insemination is tricky, too.

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这些生产者是棘手的小鬼子。Those producers are tricky mini devils.

啊,屠宰中棘手的问题来了。Ah yes, the knotty business of slaughter.

索引的建立是个很棘手的问题。Of index building is very a Gordian knot.

一个小背心可能会非常棘手,如果有褶边。A camisole can be tricky if it has ruffles.

解读食品标签是一件棘手的事情。Deciphering food labels is tricky business.

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这一设想相当不错,但会碰到一个棘手的问题。It s a nice idea, but there s a big problem.

政治和法律问题也很棘手。The legal and political issues are thornier.

关于这个反应有个棘手处。There is one trickiness about this reaction.