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在“太平街”或“陶然桥北”站下车。"Tai Ping" or "Tao Ran Bridge" stop.

陶然表示,卫生部很可能在明年通过这一标准。The ministry is likely to give the Manual the green light next year, Tao said.

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陶然,相信我,当我说一分钟没有通行证,我的思想转向你。Tao Ran, believe me when I say that not a minute passes without my thoughts turning to you.

不过中国人民大学教授陶然认为,仅靠房产税平抑不了房价。However, according to Tao Ran at Renmin University, the tax is only one part of the solution.

陶然,但事实是,如果没有你的信,我的孤独感将完全是灾难性的。Tao Ran, the fact is, if it weren't for your letters, my loneliness would be totally devastating.

吉林皇家花园海航酒店让您陶然忘怀,尽享尊贵品质!Staying at Empire Garden hotel, you must be happy and carefree. Honourable quality will be enjoyed!

陶然说,中国在这项研究方面处于领先地位,是因为中国的这类病例不断增加。China has taken such a lead in the study of the affliction because of its rise in the country, Tao said.

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杨开忠,陶然,刘明兴,解除管制、分权与中国经济转轨,中国社会科学,2003年第3期。Deregulation, Decentralization and Economic Transformation in China, Social Sciences in China, No. 3, 2003

陶然近三年的散文创作充分表现了他文体意识的自觉。The prose creations of the latest three years from Taoran, completely display his consciousness of his style mentality.

如今,驱使姜太平和陶然居餐馆老板严琦离开农村的那种本能激励中国亿万农村人。Today, the instinct that drew Jiang from his farm and Yan into business inspires hundreds of millions of other rural Chinese.

斯梅德利先生不再干那单调乏味的办公室工作了,他因得到了盼望已久的宽松而陶然于自由自在的感觉之中。Mr Smedley, with the drudgery of the office a thing of the past, exulted in the sense of freedom that came from his longed-for release.

“乔治·布什乃总统,陶然乐于家中坐,独为莫须有之事,把各士兵送战场。”是一首四行打油诗。The president is George W. Bush, who is happy to sit on his tush, while sending his armies to fight, for anything he thinks is right is a clerihew.

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陶然进一步解释道,精神疾病并不可怕,强迫症、抑郁症、多动症都属于精神疾病。Happy and carefree explains further, mental disease is not terrible, force disease, depressed disease, much move disease to belong to mental disease.

中国首家“网络成瘾”诊所建立者陶然说孩子们需要父母、朋友和老师的爱、照顾和关注。Tao Ran, the founder of China’s first “internet addiction” clinic, has said children need love, care and attention from parents, friends and teachers.

陶然解释说,提起精神疾病,有人就联想到“疯子”、“精神病”,其实这是知识有限导致的偏见。Explanation of happy and carefree says, refresh disease, somebody thinks of with respect to couplet " bedlamite " , " mental disease " , actually this is knowledge finite the bias that bring about.