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什么是整体医疗?What Is Holistic Medicine?

这就是医疗改革的内容。This is what reform is about.

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我的医疗保险没有包括沙拉。Salad isn't covered by my HMO.

工人享受公费医疗。Workers enjoy free medical care.

使美国的医疗保健联邦化。Federalize health care in America.

这是运动员医疗室。It's the medical room for athletes.

我们中国公民享受公费医疗。We Chinese enjoy free medical care.

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来时带上你的医疗卡。Bring your health card when you come.

他们是否购买人寿或医疗保险?Do they buy life or health insurance?

和政治相仿,所有的医疗都是和乡土相结合的。Like politics, all medicine is local.

中央大学拥有大型医疗学校。NCU has a large-scale medical school.

医疗不可法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse dawn the disease.

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医疗不得法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse than the disease.

洛莉靠在一张医疗桌旁。Lorrie backed up to a treatment table.

我受伤的手臂需要医疗处理。My hurted arm needs medical treatment.

远程医疗正在改善保健服务。Telemedicine is improving health care.

医疗船方面有点小问题。There are minor problems with Medivac.

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富士康承担了田雨的医疗费用。Foxconn is paying for her medical care.

照顾到所有人的免费医疗。Free health care for all. Permaculture.

一面墙详细的刻画了医疗用具。One wall has carvings of medical tools.