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面对极端困苦而百折不挠。Perseverance in the face of extreme hardship.

他是一种古老的鱼,他绝对百折不挠。"He's an old fish, and he's absolutely relentless," Joe said.

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对爱情百折不挠的童小春挽回了属于自己的爱情。To the love persistent TongXiaoChun saved the belongs to own love.

合作社注重价值观的鲜明特点使其即使在艰难岁月也能繁荣昌盛,证明自己是百折不挠生命力强的商业模式。viable business model that can prosper even during difficult times.

鳗鱼重返大海子宫的努力百折不挠。Eels are relentless in their effort to return to their oceanic womb.

而内心的事业就是按照一种正确的价值观永无止境和百折不挠地追求。And the heart is in a correct values cause endless pursuit and dauntlessly.

深重的灾难,铸就了她百折不挠、自强不息的品格。The long sufferings have only made her a nation of fortitude and perseverance.

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风雨同舟,百折不挠“是华一的精神。Overcome hardship together, keep fighting in spite of all setbacks is our spirit.

我觉得事业能不能做得好,关键看你能不能够很好的做到百折不挠。I feel the business can well do, key's seeing you can be good to attain arduously.

但是狗蛋百折不挠,每次来坚持给给老人送礼。But the dog egg tenacity and every time I come persistence give to the elderly gifts.

一种精神始终激励中国外交人,这就是中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的爱国主义精神。And a spirit always inspires Chinese diplomats—patriotism of the persevering Chinese nation.

尽管他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气、机智和百折不挠的乐观。Although driven primarily by greed, they exhibit exceptional bravery, cunning and resilience.

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尽避他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气、机智和百折不挠的乐观。Try to avoid them to treat by greed, but still showed exceptional bravery, cunning and resilience.

尽管他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气、机智和百折不挠的乐观。Although driven primarily by greed, they have exhibited exceptional bravery, cunning and resilience.

他为追寻和坚持真理,百折不挠、奋斗不息的崇高品质,永远值得我们敬仰和学习。His noble character of seeking and adhering to the truth in spite of any setbacks deserves our reverence and emulate.

要懂得若使美梦成真,需要信念、自信、远见、苦干、百折不挠和倾心以赴。Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication.

“自尊自信、自立自强”的拼搏精神会永远激励我们百折不挠,勇攀高峰!"Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-strengthening" fighting spirit will always inspire us persistent!

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对“礼仪廉耻忍耐,克己百折不挠”的推崇,使我坚信我将爱好这项运动一生一世。Deeply impressed by this saying, I have a strongly confidence that I will go along with this project all through my life.

刚开始的时候,有位百折不挠的人士一把火烧了他们的车库,在他们重修车库之前又两次闯入他们的汽车。Early on, some very determined person torched their garage and twice broke into their car before they got the garage rebuilt.

这一旷日持久而艰苦的进程不仅要求参选人技巧纯熟、坚持不懈、百折不挠,而且还必须有巨额资金。This lengthy and arduous process demands candidates who are skilled, resilient, and tireless. It also requires large sums of money.