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我们提倡俭朴的生活。We advocate plain living.

我并不提倡避免云。I do not advocate cloud-avoidance.

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我实际上不太提倡这个。I’m not advocating that, actually.

它提倡也去研究最优秀的个体。It says "let's also study the best".

这种做法值得提倡。This method deserves recommendation.

我就到处提倡游水。I encourage swimming everywhere I go.

有一阵子,他还提倡优生学。For a while he also promoted eugenics.

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管理上提倡实行学生自治。He thought students could manage themselves.

所以,提倡节俭使我感觉到安逸。So, I feel comfortable advocating frugality.

我是在提倡把开玩笑当作对策吗?Am I advocating ribbing as a coping strategy?

不信任权威,提倡去中心化。Mistrust Authority--Promote Decentralization.

这就是为什么我要提倡使用用户场景。This is why I advocate employing user stories.

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奥尔科特是自己是一个提倡妇女的权利。Alcott was herself a proponent of women's rights.

这条原则应该在任何项目中提倡。This principle should be promoted in any project.

其基本特点实为提倡实功实用之学。In fact, he advocated practical thought basically.

法律和传统也开始提倡控制捕鱼量。Laws and traditions also arose to control fishing.

所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.

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我较喜欢视觉上直接的反应,那是普普主义提倡的。I really love direct response, and that's very pop.

茶融天地人于一体,提倡“天下茶人一家”。Tea into the world in one, advocate" tea, a world".

国家提倡按时缴纳中央税。The State encourages paying the central tax on time.