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隔了这么久,恐怕连谢罪自谴的有效期也早过了吧?With so long a time in between, it is too late even to apologize.

“我知道我应该割腕谢罪,而人们将为此庆祝,”他说道。"I know I could slit my wrists and people would cheer, " he says.

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杉木毫无怨言,欲剖腹以死谢罪。Chinese fir without complaint, to die to malaysians to caesarean section.

我坚持。不论是谁惹恼了你,谁就得为你的悲哀向我赔礼谢罪。I insist upon it . Whoever has annoyed you shall answer to me for your grief.

面对无情的社会压力,一些女性凄楚无奈,选择“以死谢罪”了此残生。The social pressure is so great that some women have even taken their own lives.

江川为这次的失败羞愧难当,她准备切腹向天皇谢罪。Jiangchuan for the failure of shame, she is going to cut abdomen to the emperor to malaysians.

既至,遣人入交址谕以利害,公蕴拜表谢罪。Both to the people and sent into the oracle to address, male aggregates worship table malaysians.

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隔了这么久,恐怕连谢罪自谴的有效期也早过了吧。The reply has been delayed for so long that I’m afraid even a heartfelt apology has already lost its power.

男主向女主的姐姐起誓说,如果他日变心爱上了别的女人,会自刎谢罪。Male Lord swore to Japanese sister said, if one day, so quickly fell in love with another woman will commit suicide to malaysians.

民众向至高的上主谢罪,在仁慈者面前祈祷,直到奉事上主的礼仪完毕,直到他们完成自己的任务为止。And the people in prayer besought the Lord the most High, until the worship of the Lord was perfected, and they had finished their office.

我常年来往于日本与中国之间,到现在还没有学会体面的30度鞠躬,更不用说严肃的45度鞠躬谢罪了。I’ve been back and forth to Japan all year, and I have yet to perfect a decent thirty-degree bend, much less the more solemn forty-five-degree shazai.

迄今为止,日本政府在正式文件里就日本军国主义侵略中国,从来没有使用“御诧”或“谢罪”向中国人民道歉过。Until now, the Japanese government has not apologized to the Chinese using "owabi" or "shazai" for its aggression against China by Japanese militarism.

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菅直人若发表声明,愿意像德国总理勃兰特当年给犹太人谢罪一样到中国跪地承认当年侵华罪行!If Naoto Kan is willing to make a statement as German Chancellor Willy Brandt apologized to the Jews as to admit its past invasion of China and knees down!

他们刚穿鞋时,王世厚蛮横地将鞋抢过来,“两位爷,奋发再不亲也是你们的族孙,有得罪你们之处,我向你们谢罪。”When they just wear shoes, Wang Shihou grabs their shoes wildly. "The two uncles, Fenfa is your family grandson. If he has offended you, I apologize to you."

但她们却又无法彻底摆脱旧式贞操观念的束缚,一旦与男友分手或发现被骗婚,就会郁郁终生甚至自杀以谢罪。So, once there was a breakup with their former boyfriends or suspicion of sexual deception, they were gripped by a depressive melancholy and committed suicide.

任盈盈筹划五霸冈聚会之事让日月教知道了,对绿竹翁很不满,绿竹翁自毁武功以谢罪。Let ying ying planning five bully because of the party to teach know, the green bamboo weng very discontent, green bamboo weng self-destruct powers to apologize.

中国常德的受害者目前正向日本法院起诉日本政府,要求谢罪赔偿,因此对它的研究具有重要意义。Now, the victims of Changde are prosecuting the Japanese government for apology and compensation, so study of the germ warfare in Changde is of great importance.

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雨凤在痛不欲生中决心一死谢罪,情急之中,云飞反被雨凤杀成重伤。Pluvial phoenix dies in the determination in be overwhelmed with sorrow offer an apology, situation is urgent in, yun Fei is turned over by rain phoenix kill serious injury.

教皇蛰居在她那令人惊叹的山间要塞卡诺萨,那儿离摩得纳市不远,所以皇帝只好在严冬季节赤着脚爬上山向教皇叩头谢罪。He was sheltering at her stupendous mountain stronghold of Canossa, not far from Modena, and the Emperor had to climb there barefoot, in the depths of winter, to make his kowtow.

前锋主力郑大世在球赛结束时双膝跪下,他说他非常失望,犯下太多错误,他因无法为祖国完成世界杯梦想向祖国谢罪,一向说话很多的他不久从另一个出口溜出场外。Star forward Jong Tae Se dropped to his knees as the game ended. He said he was upset they had made so many errors and apologized to his nation for failing to fulfill its World Cup hopes.