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她没打招呼,径自走了。She turned away without leave.

他径自走进了屋子。He walked into the room unbidden.

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他正径自吹着口哨,“来吧,姑娘们和小伙子们。”He was whistling "Come, Lasses and Lads."

到报社发了第一笔工资后,我径自回了家。The newspaper made a first salary, I go back home.

可是三秒钟后我径自离开,再不回头看上一眼。But three seconds later I’m gone, never to return again.

我不理会她,径自闷头喝酒。I bypass her, the without acquainting anyone muggy head drinks.

一头友好的海牛可能会径自游向你,然后和你贴面。A friendly manatee may swim right up and touch your face with his.

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他于是顾不得礼节,径自入门,摸索着去厨房的路。He therefore entered, without ceremony, and groped his way to the kitchen.

他没再跟她说话,径自挤出了肖像洞口。And without another word to her, he pushed his way out of the portrait hole.

这就是我所想的。可是三秒钟后我径自离开,再不回头看上一眼。That's what I think. But three seconds later I'm gone, never to return again.

二是小牧童径自玩耍,靠在大树背后,用棍子逗弄一只小鸟,童趣盎然。The vaquero leaning against a big tree is teasing a little bird with a stick.

把五四手枪插在后腰,径自上前拎住两个保镖。Put 54 pistols in the small of the back, without telling anyone come forward to carry two bodyguards.

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若是他想径自糊口,你们为什么不看看是否能放置一个保姆每周去看望他呢?If he wants to live by himself, why don't you see if you can arrange for a nurse to visit him every week?

弗格斯实在受不了这样的难堪,径自来到女上司的办公室,他想还是自己请辞吧。Eph gus can't stand such embarrassed, comes to female supervisor's office, he wants to or oneself's resignation.

我猜测,这家演出商在尚未跟我取得协议之前,径自决定起印门票,并对某些团体作出承诺。My guess is that the guy printed up tickets and made promises to certain groups without any agreements being made.

这部电影,片长略长于100分钟,但是鉴于本片探讨的是律师题材,你可以径自把它估算成2个点。The movie is a little over a 100 minutes long, but since it's about lawyers you can just round that up to 2 hours.

鲁本礼貌地碰了一下他的旧帽檐儿,然后径自走出店门。Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out into the sunlight with the bay rippling in a freshening wind.

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然而他儿子自己也够厉害的,他抛弃了垂死的父亲,径自来到盛放硬币的箱子跟前,收获自己的“财富”。However, his son is evil enough in his own right, who abandons his father and comes to the coins to reap his "fortune".

玛卡娜丝毫不理会旁观的人群,径自用嘴巴梳理她宽达6英尺的翅膀。Makana spread her wings 6 feet wide and preened, ignoring onlookers as she tended to her feathers. That's not always the case.

锦绣摆了摆手,径自的走出了园子。那少年往相反的方向走了出去。The rich brocade put to put a hand and without narrating anybody came out garden. That youth hiked to go out toward inverse intention.