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最好是活页本。This is the best loose-leaf.

它正好可以套在我的活页本的环扣上!It's fits into the rings of my binder!

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这些文件以活页形式发布。They will be issued in loose-leaf form.

多数这类琴行都出售我的活页乐谱。Most of those stores sell my sheet music.

你们有大的活页本吗?Have you got any large loose-leaf notebooks?

警察没有用粉笔把尸体的位置画出来,在楼梯上只有一张活页纸,上面写着“女死者”。For the body locations, the cops didn’t use chalk.

课上将提供演示用活页纸和魔术笔。We will provide flip-chart paper and magic markers.

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一般在你的办公桌上会有专门的活页留言簿。There is usually a loose-leaf message book on your desk.

给个组发一份活页资料第32页。Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 32 to each group.

把关键性的讨论问题写在白板上或者活页白挂纸上。Write the key discussion questions on a whiteboard or flipchart.

例如铁环活页夹或螺柱活页夹都是活页装的一种。The ring binder and the post binder are examples of loose leaf binding.

将“保留”那一堆的文件分成活页、文件夹,工具和个人物品。Divide the keep pile into loose papers, folders, tools, and personal items.

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改为你自己准备一个活页夹、一些活页纸和从A到Z的标签。Instead, get yourself a three-ring binder, some loose-leaf paper and A-Z tabs.

左撇子真的…真的比右撇子更讨厌活页笔记本。Lefties are more likely than righties to really, really hate spiral notebooks.

他们自己在活页纸上画图,计算。They marked all of their charts and made all their calculations on loose-leaf paper.

宁波文百机械制造是一家专业的活页本装订设备和耗材供应商。Ltd. is the professional manufacturer of loose-leaf binding machines and consumables.

活页要不要夹起来,加个封面,再装订成一本书?。Do you want to have loose sheets clasped, supplied with a cover, and bound into a book?

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为了做出来的笔记有效果,你要选择活页、干净的横格纸,最好是学校用的横格纸。To take notes effectively, choose a sheet of loose, clean, lined paper, preferably college-ruled.

宁波文百机械制造有限公司是一家研究和制造活页本装订系列设备的民营企业。Co. , Ltd. is devoted to research and manufacturing the loose-leaf binding machines and consumables.

从1992年起,范本发布成一种活页的格式,以便不断将新的变化情况合并在内。From 1992, the model is released in a loose-leaf format in order to include the new change constantly.