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她很少表露自己的情绪。She seldom showed her feelings.

大家都表露出轻松愉快的神情。Everybody looked cheerful and happy.

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他表露了他心中的秘密。He unlocked the secrets of his heart.

为什么他甚至一点也没有表露出感谢之意。Why he didn't even show any gratitude!

这个30英尺惯例也适用于表露对孩子的喜爱之情。The 30-foot rule also applies to affection.

老板皱皱眉表露出厌恶。The boss manifested his disgust with a scowl.

张赫正沉浸在幸福中,这一点现在已表露无遗。JANG Hyuk is basking in happiness and it shows.

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你有没有向他表露过这些感受?Have you expressed those feelings to him or her?

自我表露技术存在一个风险就是易于被滥用。Self-disclosure skill has a risk , may be abuse.

这个对话也是一个解释自我表露的很好的例子。This dialogue sets an example for self-disclosure.

最后含蓄的表露像是最后判决。The final implied effusion is like a last judgment.

苹果很少像这次这样早早的表露出它的动向。Apple rarely telegraphs its moves this far in advance.

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现在正是我们表露对您感激之情的最佳时机。It is the appropriate time for showing you our thanks.

调查发现,男性用户自我表露程度显著高于女性。Male users are more likely to self-disclose than female.

宝蓝色衫身绿边相衬,表露出男士时装的神韵。Jewelry blue with green border shows men's fashion verve.

于是,她的眼神开始躲我,一时间,她蹙额皱眉,一股矜持的神情在脸上表露无遗。Her eyes avoided me and for a moment she frowned in pride.

我在Facebook不会时常诚实地表露自己。I am not always honest in my self-disclosures on Facebook.

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在她的大部分词作中都或多或少地渗透着或表露出愁苦忧怨的情调。In most of her works, she showed more or less the gloomy mood.

译他的险恶用心表露无遗,但是我们却没办法阻止他。His evil intentions were manifest and yet we could not stop him.

一项新研究表示,是他们表露自信、确非逞强的时候。When theyshow confidence, but not bravado, a new study suggests.