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别没完没了地为钱发牢骚。Stop bellyaching about money.

这样没完没了的,何时才有个完?What's to be the end of this?

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这孩子老是问这问那,没完没了。The boy is always asking whys.

要交的人越来越多,没完没了。It just keeps getting extended.

游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。The parade dragged by endlessly.

她很厌烦那些没完没了的噪杂声。She was wearied by the constant noise.

不要对涨价没完没了地发牢骚了。Stop beefing about the price increase.

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没完没了的工作,就是为了明日复明日的生活。Endless work, just for tomorrow's life.

这没完没了的坏消息烦死我了。All this endless bad news browns me off.

因此和良心打交道是没完没了的。Then, one is never done with conscience.

这场无聊的戏似乎演个没完没了。The dull play seemed to last an eternity.

听他没完没了地吹嘘自己有钱。Listen to him prating on about his wealth.

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最糟的是没完没了的疲惫感。The the most bad is that he has been lost.

而现在,人们还在没完没了地谈论着2012.And now, there is all that talk about 2012.

她没完没了地夸耀自己的高分数。She bragged endlessly about her high score.

我必须限制住,要不我这封信就会写个没完没了。I must pull in, or my letter will never end.

她没完没了地说她过去的痛苦经历。She rambled on about her bitter experiences.

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这位老太婆总是骂骂咧咧地没完没了。The old woman is always scolding and chiding.

这两个人可以没完没了地聊下去。Those two could talk till the cows came home.

她老是没完没了地唠叨,使我们感到厌烦。We got tired of her jawing away all the time.