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我喜欢奇装异服。I wanted the fancy clothes.

他的奇装异服真使我笑死了。His weird clothes really gas me.

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看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。He frowns at their bizarre attire.

看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。He frowned when he saw their wear strange clothes.

奇装异服和怪异的发型在日本是很常见的。Weird clothes and hairstyles are so popular in Japan.

看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。He rivel his eyebrow when he see they wearing odd clothing.

看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。Looking at the strange clothes they were wearing, he frowned.

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用可再利用的或者可循环利用的材料来做你的“奇装异服”,例如床单。Make costumes with re-usable or recyclable materials such as bed sheets.

大量的复古店和许多穿着奇装异服的人,很多年轻人。A lot vintage shops and a lot quirkily dressed people, a lot young people.

晚会上老人们个个睁大了眼睛,瞧着女孩子们穿的奇装异服。The old people all goggled at the bizarre dresses of the girls at the party.

穿着奇装异服招摇过市的大有人在。There are quite some people swaggering through the streets in outlandish clothes.

因为她喜欢穿奇装异服,所以她跟其他同学合不来。Because of her strange clothing, she didn't fit in well with the rest of the students.

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因为她喜欢穿奇装异服,所以她跟其他同学合不来。Because of her strange clothing, she didn’t fit in well with the rest of the students.

劳动阶级妇女则生活在视奇装异服为逆忤的文化环境中。Working-class women lived in a culture where such unorthodox dress could send an unpleasant message.

如果你有幸能在奇装异服彪劲舞比赛中胜出,还会有神秘奖品奉上。And you better start practicing your moves because prizes will be awarded for BEST COSTUME DANCE-OFF.

我将会穿量身定做的衣服,这是一个正式的场合,所以我不会穿奇装异服。I will wear a made-to-measure suit. It is a very formal place, so I am not going wear any fancy clothes.

现在爱翘嘴的‘高贵辣妹’穿着一件又一件紧身的奇装异服,简直能把它们给撑爆了。In one skinny-mini monstrosity after another, pouty posh can really wreck-em, " he said in a statement."

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迪士尼方面表明,各地的迪斯尼乐园都禁止成年人穿奇装异服进入。Disneyland confirmed it had a global policy banning adults from wearing fancy dress in their theme parks.

他们穿奇装异服,留流行发式,看起来太注重物质,这是我不喜欢的。With their fancy clothes and stylish hairdos , they appear too materialistic , which is not to my liking.

也许一项新的学术研究将有助于解释为什么在锐舞和摇滚节上的一些奇装异服。Perhaps a new academic study might help explain some of the weirder outfits worn at raves and rock festivals.