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你自己感觉到这种震慑力了吗?Do you get that feeling?

是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

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死刑是对暴力犯罪的一种震慑力。Death penalty is a deterrent to violent crimes.

结果并不支持死刑有震慑作用的想法。This offers no support for the notion of deterrence.

不要被你面前堆积如山的工作震慑住!Don’t be daunted by the amount of work you’re facing!

他们将更多的依赖核震慑。Their nuclear deterrents will be more greatly relied on.

我第一次去露易斯湖时,就震慑于它的美丽。The first time I visited Lake Louise, I was stunned by its beauty.

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这位可怕暴君的存亡悬于震慑力的有无。The awful despot’s chances of survival lie with his deterrent power.

浮士德再度召唤海伦并震慑于她的秀丽。Faustus summons Helen again and exclaims rapturously about her beauty.

把电视或者收音机开大声,会比最好的警报系统更具有震慑作用。A loud TV or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system.

确实,那黝黑的漆板渊穆幽深,震慑心魂。Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

伊庇鲁斯国王皮拉斯对敌会出动大象,以收震慑效果。King Pyrrhus of Epirus used elephants as a shock tactic against his enemies.

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两名拳手互相瞪着眼睛,想以此震慑住对方。The two boxers gazed at each other, wanting to stare down the opposite party.

我认为我们该开始"震慑行动"。I thought I'd start things off with the "shock and awe" phase of the operation.

自从1990年来,国家民主党的领导权和组织就受到了分裂的威胁,但是翁山苏姬有充分的能力震慑住私党。Since 1990 the NLD’s leadership and organisation has been harassed into tatters.

荷兰队门将斯特克伦博格就像刚才穆斯莱拉一样,被这个进球所震慑。The Dutch goalkeeper, Maarten Stekelenburg, like Muslera, was taken by surprise.

这不仅有损社会公平,也有损法律威严,更不能起到震慑犯罪分子的作用。This not only distroy the social justice and law, but also couldn't deter criminals.

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期间一名劫匪朝天花板连开两枪以震慑商场保安。One of the robbers fired two shots at the ceiling to warn the store's security guards.

最新的国际仲裁似乎对朝鲜毫无震慑力。The most recent international sanctions appear to have little or no effect on North Korea.

Dazzled意为因强光而眼花或被精彩的展览或演出震慑到。Dazzled means blinded with intense light or amazed by a spectacular display or performance.