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平衡剖面是一个基本的地质规律。Balanced cross-section is a base rule in geology.

如使用低-低剖面,半径减少为约370千米。If use LO-LO section, the radius is down to 370km.

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剖面视线设计是两者制约与相互协调的关键。Section view design is the key of inter-relationship.

在记录剖面上有含气砂岩迹象。There are indications of gas sands on record section.

现在,将通孔加入至选取的轴剖面。Now, add a through hole to the selected shaft section.

系统采用ADCP剖面海流计、S4浪流潮仪等先进传感器。The system use ADCP, S4, and other advanced instruments.

血液检测提供了一个激素剖面泌尿科医师。Blood tests provide the urologist with a hormone profile.

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将扣环特徵加入至选取的轴剖面。Add a retaining ring feature to the selected shaft section.

一个超低温中子捕捉装置的剖面观。Half section view of an ultracold neutron trapping apparatus.

它看到了不同的剖面,将它们称为历史It sees successive cross-sections, and it calls that "history."

它看到了不同的剖面,将它们称为历史“It sees successive cross-sections, and it calls that "history."

第一章详细描述尖山剖面。Jianshan section of Haikou was described in detail in Chapter I.

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剖面小翼被垂直叶片或终板固定在有效位置。The aerofoils are held in place by upright vanes , or endplates.

该剖面穿过不同的地质构造单元。The profile crosses through different geological tectonic units.

剖面的下部常见生物扰动现象。In the lower part of the section bioturbation is a common feature.

混交林的根系在土壤剖面上,垂直分布趋于均匀。Roots in soil profile of the mixed stands show a well distribution.

据此,利用渡越辐射测量了强流脉冲束的剖面、能量、发散角。With OTR method, the beam profile, energy, divergence are measured.

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浅地层剖面仪是应用非常广泛的海上调查仪器。The subbottom profiler is a widely used marine surveying instrument.

堆积的斜方辉石几乎自下而上地分布在整个剖面中。Cumulate orthopyroxene occurs almost from top to bottom of the section.

平整的电渗流剖面产生高效的分离效率。The flow profile of EOF is flat, yielding high separation efficiencies.