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他妻子用砒霜把他毒死了。His wife poisoned him with arsenic.

砒霜真会让银发黑吗?Is it true the arsenic blackens silver?

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比如说,她那次买老鼠药、砒霜的情况。Like when she bought the rat poison, the arsenic.

这种化学性是和砒霜类似的。Don’t forget it is also kin to arsenic, chemically.

老板,请给我一斤草莓味的砒霜。The boss, please give me a catty of strawberry in disguise.

砒霜治疗急性骨髓性白血病的临床结果已经得到了确认。The clinical result of arsenic in treating APL is well-established.

就像砒霜不同于马钱子碱一样,而且产生的效果也不同。As different as arsenic is from strychnine, and having different effects.

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而药效方面,包裹砒霜的F-BSANP组小鼠生存期最长。The living phase of mouse injected with F-BSANP entrapping arsenic trioxide is the longest.

放血、水蛭、抽气罐、泻药和砒霜看起来对人体的伤害大于其益处。Bleeding, leeches, suction cups, purges, and arsenic powders seemed to do more harm than good.

如果在食品或饮料中添加砒霜的话,则应将其先与煤灰或靛青混合以便人们知晓。The arsenic also had to be mixed with soot or indigo to make it easily detectable if added to food or drink.

在悔恨和砒霜的折磨下死去。Roderigo rent his chains asunder manfully, and Hugo died in agonies of remorse and arsenic , with a wild, "Ha! Ha!"

然而,另外一些科学家对此发现提出了质疑,到底这种新的微生物是否以砒霜为食呢?However, a barrage of criticism from other scientists has cast doubt on whether these microbes actually live off arsenic.

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于是他们便去找一位医生来,医生剖开死者的身体,从肠胃里把砒霜刮出来装在一只匙羹里。They fetch a doctor, who opens the dead body, and collects from the entrails and stomach a quantity of arsenic in a spoon.

其实只是人家能忍而已,外人看来的甜蜜,也许是无数老婆把“砒霜”当“蜜糖”吞下去了呢。In fact, only people who can suppress it, the sweetness of outsiders, and perhaps many wives to "arsenic" when "Honey"Swallowed it.

可能是吃了几千年含有砒霜的大米导致的,但是不论是什么原因,中国人都像死水一样愚蠢。Maybe it's the thousands of yearsof eating arsenic-poisoned rice, but whatever the reason, Chinese people are asdumb as ditchwater.

验尸的结果是发现了足量的砒霜,这样事件就变得很清楚受害的女士是死于砷化物中毒。As a result of the autopsy sufficient arsenic was found to make it quite clear that the deceased lady had died of arsenical poisoning.

这个初次登场就惊倒一片生物学家的明星生物就是一种叫GFAJ-1的菌株,据研究者介绍GFAJ-1利用传说中的砒霜所含的砷替换了磷来构建包括DNA在内的生物大分子。Meet GFAJ-1, a bacterial strain that researchers say can replace the phosphorus in its key biomolecules, including DNA, with the legendary poison arsenic.

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可要多多注意啰!经过初步验尸。断定为因砒霜中毒而死亡。那砒霜从何而来?Pay attention to what will happen a lot?! After a preliminary autopsy. Diagnosed as a result of arsenic poisoning death. The arsenic supposed to come from?

例如根据拿破仑尸体头发里所发现的高浓度的砒霜,就可以认定这位前法国皇帝可能是由于有意或无意地中毒而死亡。For instance, high levels of arsenic found in Napoleon's hair suggest the former emperor of France might have been poisoned to death, intentionally or unintentionally.

薇妮在理疗书中查到若在饮食中定量参加砒霜会加重病情,便开端在艾卡林的饮食中下毒,艾卡林不知真相,吃下了毒药。Eu ni in physical therapy book to check if in the diet of arsenic exacerbate quantitative attend, and beginning in ai colin eating poison and ai, colin somehow truth, eat poison.