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沈阳是中国东北辽宁省的省会,这个薰衣草园的占地面积约333公顷。The park covers an area of 333 hectares.

海口是海南省的省会都会。Haikou is the capit's city of Hainan Province.

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辽宁省省会为沈阳。Shenyang is the provincial capital of Liaoning.

清代曾为直隶省第一省会。Chihli Qing Dynasty was the first capital of the province.

1841年成为新设的那瓦尔省省会。In 1841 it became the capital of the new Navarra province.

哈尔滨市是中国的黑龙江省的省会。Harbin is the capital city of China's Hellongiang Province.

顺便一提,他的省会夏洛特市,是加拿大的发源地。BTW, its capital, Charlottetown is the birthplace of Canada.

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长沙是中国中部湖南省的省会城市。Changsha is the captial city of Central China'sHunan province.

省会市各省的政治中心。Each province has a capital city which is the political center.

阿根廷第三大城市,科尔多瓦省省会。Argentina's third largest city, Cordoba, the provincial capital.

云南省省会昆明市素有“春城”的美誉。Yunnan province, enjoys the fame as the "City of Eternal Spring".

吉林省简称吉,省会城市是长春。Jilin is briefly named as Ji, with Changchun as its provincial seat.

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1929年1月,青海正式建省,以西宁为省会。January 1929, the official in Qinghai province, Xining is the capital.

昆明是云南省的省会,被称为“春城”。Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province, it is called "Spring City".

其他人去3小时车程的省会——合肥打工。Others are in Hefei, the provincial capital, a three-hour bus ride away.

然后这41名乘客飞到了广东省省会城市广州。The 41 passengers then flew to Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province.

成立于1993年,座落于河北省省会石家庄市。It was established in 1993. located in Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province.

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安徽省简称皖,省会城市合肥,位于华东腹地,是我国东部襟江近海的内陆省份。Anhui province is briefly named as Wan, with Hefei as the provincial seat.

海口市是海南省省会,它位于海南岛的东北部。Haikou, the capital of Hainan Province, is in the northeast of the island.

芙蓉区位于湖南省省会长沙市。Furong District is located in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province.