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两个瓷罐子装着热气腾腾的肉卤。Two china jugs held steaming gravy.

她总想让她的肉菜闷饭热气腾腾。Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.

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一道道热气腾腾的肉汤被端上来了。Dishes of bouillon were brought in hot and hot.

和它们一起的,还有一大碗热气腾腾的豌豆。Along with them came a big, steaming bowl of peas.

现在,我要泡杯热气腾腾的肥料茶。Now, I am gonna make a steaming cup of compost tea.

她将一大盘热气腾腾、美味可口的肉放在他面前。He consumed a large plateful of the very savory stew.

如果你把热气腾腾的食物放入冰盒,冰块会融化。If you put hot food in the icebox, the ice might melt.

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它也可以是一碗热气腾腾的汤——如果你喜欢喝汤的话。It might be a bowl of steaming soup, if one likes soup.

我也不会等他回来共浴在热气腾腾的粉红色泡沫的浴缸里。And I'm not awaiting his arrival in a hot tub full of pink bubbles.

然后再喝上一杯热气腾腾的咖啡,加了香料的那种。And later she would have a cup of hot coffee, coffee with cinnamon.

这种热气腾腾的药水让人饱受几小时的痛苦,但是确实有效的将骨头再生出来了。The steaming stuff is painful and takes hours, but it does the job.

他拿上来一杯热气腾腾的咖啡,气味香纯。He brought the coffee steaming hot, and it smelled like real coffee.

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如果你买现成的吃,热食,确保它的服务热气腾腾。If you buy ready-to-eat, hot food, make sure it's served steaming hot.

“好吧,乔治,”马蒂尔达一面把热气腾腾的碗放在桌子上,一面说。"All right, George, " Matilda said, setting steaming bowls on the table.

新鲜的西红柿酱、热气腾腾的葱油拌面,上面还放着清炒的小甜瓜。Fresh tomato sauce, fried zucchini over steaming pasta in garlic and oil.

他们卡塔卡喀地沿着热气腾腾的街道疾驶,到旅馆门前停了车。They rattled through the hot streetsand drew up at the door of the hotel.

看着推车上那热气腾腾的豆糕,让人只想掏钱。It looked at the cart of steaming hot bean cakes, people just want to pay.

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服务员像变幻术似地从厨房里端出一份热气腾腾的午餐。The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch.

他微笑着站了起来,为我们让座,热气腾腾的一杯杯热茶随即出现在眼前。He smiles, jumps to his feet and offers usseats. Cups of steaming tea appear.

清淡、美味,即使是热气腾腾的咖啡抑或茶,酷美也会瞬即融入。Light and tasty, it mixes instantly in coffee or tea, even if it is very hot.