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股市行情看跌。The stock market tumbled.

股市在2008年跌得更狠。Stocks fell even harder in 2008.

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东京股市将于今日重新开盘。The Tokyo market re-opens today.

股市下滑,恢复道路不平坦。Stocks slide as recovery sputters.

切莫幻想股市只涨不跌。Forget stock markets only going up.

股市开盘时行情看涨。The market opened in a bullish mood.

看涨者认为,股市不久将奋起直追。A catch-up is imminent, say the bulls.

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在2000年初时,美国股市的这一比率高于40倍。At the start of 2000, it was above 40.

股市本周周线收跌.Stocks ended with losses for the week.

他说,我会等待股市有所回调。I would wait for some sort of pullback.

日本股市因为法定节假日,今天没有开盘。Japan's market was closed for a holiday.

股市是第一个欢迎这个交易的。Stockmarkets at first welcomed the deal.

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去年,中国股市环境恶劣。Last year Chinese stocks performed poorly.

中国股市惊天逆转。Chinese Stock market startled day reversal.

股市显示出复苏的迹象。B. The stock market shows signs of recovery.

中国股市掉落至16周内最低点。Chinese stock market plummets to 16-week low.

他对股市的游戏规则不甚了了。He doesn't know much about the rules of game.

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她的现金已搁死在股市上了。She has tied up her cash in the stock market.

有没有人分析近期股市的走势?Is there anybody analysing the stock tendency?

外汇市场与股市今天走势背离。Forex markets and equities have diverged today.