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还是老老实实的买一匹真正的马吧。Get a real horse.

别装蒜了,老老实实讲吧!Come off it, tell the truth!

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他很快就使那个小偷老老实实的了。He settled the thief immediately.

科学是老老实实的学问。In jodo science is more important than strength.

我只要老老实实地安其所“安”,做一个快乐的退休老人就够了。Reposing the place, I am a happy retired old guy.

你为什么不老老实实去干活?Why don't you go to work an' earn an honest livin', eh?

天主啊,请让我找到他,让我看到他老老实实地关在牢里。Lord let me find him, That I may see him, Safe behind bars.

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我们老老实实希望您来美国回得早。Our honesty hope you to come to the United States back early.

⊙、天下作伪是最苦恼的事情,老老实实是最愉快的事情。All these is the hardest thing, honesty is the most happy thing.

巴纳比的爸爸希望他能老老实实地过一辈子。His father had hoped Barnaby might lead a life of dim propriety.

她无情无绪、老老实实地听从了那个人让她等候的手势。She obeyed the signal to wait for him with unspeculative repose.

所以你来年还是得老老实实回去买更多的种子。So you would still be right back to buying more seeds next year.

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他上船后,老老实实坐在一个角落里,不再做声。Over the side, he honestly sat in a corner without saying a word.

第三组没有作弊的机会,只能老老实实的答题。The third group just took the test without the opportunity to cheat.

巨蟹座老老实实地待在家里等着给来捣鬼的人糖吃。Cancer stays at home and gives candy to the other trick-or- treaters.

你为什么不老老实实去干活?Why don't you go to work an' earn an honest livin', eh? Answer me that.

第一个解决方案就是,坐在键盘前,老老实实地录入一段时间。The first solution is simply to sit down at the keyboard and type for a while.

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我是想老老实实跟老板讲,可是又怕告诉他真相之后他会炒了我。I want to be honest with the boss, but if I tell him the truth, he may fire me.

所以在我看来,与其讲述一个愚蠢的笑话,还不如老老实实呆着。So I guess my point is that it’s better to be quiet than to tell a stupid joke.

为什么就不能老老实实做到“信誉卓著”和“严肃认真”,然后等待口碑的机传播呢?Why not just be reputable and serious and let your business spread organically?