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搜查你的家。Frisk your home.

他们彻底搜查了房间。They fine-combed the room.

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我们正在搜查这房子。We are searching the house.

我们正在搜查那个地点。We are searching the place.

箱子被彻底搜查了一遍。The case was sought through.

我们被彻底搜查了一遍。We were searched thoroughly.

你要搜查吗?请便吧!You want to search?Be my guest!

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搜查偷渡者并报告。Search for stowaways and report.

飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。The plane has been thoroughly searched.

他们对全楼进行了搜查。They searched every part of the building.

搜查无国籍人员并报告。Search for unstateless persons and report.

搜查队没有找到那对夫妇。The searching team did not find the couple.

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他们搜查了小树林,寻找那个小男孩。They searched the woods for the little boy.

随后杨素带领士兵来高大人家中搜查。Then the soldiers led to tall in their search.

军队把小镇搜查得十分彻底,想搜出开小差的士兵。Soldiers swept the town, looking for deserters.

贝利克在这里的搜查越来越紧了。Bellick's squeezing tighter and tighter round here.

上诉法庭裁定这些搜查是合理的。The Court of Appeal ruled these searches justified.

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希姆斯和迈尔斯说他们至今已经做了10起DNA搜查。Sims and Myers say they have run 10 searches so far.

他们彻底地搜查了房子,但是一无所获。They searched the house thoroughly,but found nothing.

为了保护孩子,他决定秘密搜查。To protect the child, he decides to ransack secretly.