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他暗笑自己傻气。He laughed himself silly.

就像我说的,我人生的这部分叫做“冒傻气”。This part of my life is called"Internship".

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我会过的比这一次旅程更加傻气。I would be sillier than I have been this trip.

对她来说,我很平易近人,是个有点傻气的外国人。To her, I'm an easy-going, dim-witted foreigner.

我会过得比这趟旅程更糊涂傻气。I would be sillier than I have been in this trip.

他暗笑自己傻气。He laughed a little to himself at his own foolishness.

我的前21年貌似都在冒傻气的瞎活。My 21 years ago, are seemingly foolish to take the blind live.

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他是家里最傻气、最轻信别人瞎话的男孩子。He was the fool of the family and the one who listened to tales.

在你生活里加入爆笑点和傻气能改变你的游戏。Adding laughter and silliness to your life will be a game changer.

现在,我认为经历了这么多事再跟他离婚有些傻气。Now I think it would be sort of silly after all this time to divorce him.

菲尔只是在逗你玩呢,好了,不要哭了,别这么傻气。Phil was just teasing you. Now stop crying and don't be such a silly billy.

想起曾经的单纯和傻气,想起那个让自己怦然心动的名字。Remember once the pure and silly, recalls that let oneself palpitates name.

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怎么了,怎么了——你总问这些傻气的问题。What was the matter, what was the matter—you always ask such silly questions.

可是在公共场合比如在超级市场里,他还要我这样,我就觉得太冒傻气了。But I feel silly when he wants me to do it in public, like at the supermarket.

他脾气柔顺,心地善良,性情温婉,待人随合,兼带几分傻气,真是个可爱的人。He was a mild, good-natured, sweet-tempered, easy-going, foolish , dear fellow.

我们无乐不作,在瓶瓶瓮瓮上画着傻气的图案,有时候还画在彼此身上。We joked around, painted silly things on vases, and occasionally on each other.

当我重新思考它时,这个信念的哪些的确是愚蠢、可笑或者冒傻气的?As I reconsider it, what's actually silly, ridiculous, or stupid about this belief?

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她穿那件裙子去晚会真是冒傻气。那看起来差劲极了。She must have been on glue to wear that dress to the party. It makes her look so bad.

虽然你不再是21岁,可是这并不意味着你不能有时候冒点傻气。You may not be 21 anymore, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sometimes get a little silly.

别冒傻气了,你爸爸刚14岁就辍了学,这使他后悔了一辈子。Don't be a foolish boy. Your father left school as soon as he was 14 and lived to rue the day.