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这儿有清冽甘甜的小溪。Here are clear, sweet brooks.

泉水清冽。The spring water is cold and crystal-clear.

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泉水依然清冽甜美。The water from the spring is sweet as usual.

淡爽,清冽,是这个夏天一口畅饮的止渴必备!It is light and refreshing – perfect as a summer thirst quencher!

新结的友情像清冽的甘露,年代久远才会芳醇升华。New-made friendships are like new wine and age will mellow and refine.

这款轻柔的汽酒,干爽清冽带有花香及果味余味。This gentle-sparkling wine is fresh and crisp with a floral bouquet and fruity finish.

据说,曾经这里的井水有毒,不能饮用,现在已经无毒了,而且甘甜清冽。It has been said here, well water toxic, does not drink, is now a non-toxic and sweet chilly.

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明亮的金黄色酒带有诱人的香气,口感清冽。A pale bright yellow wine with a delicate, restrained nose, refreshing acidity and a clean crisp.

有着纯净清爽的口感和清冽香气的茉莉花茶最受老北京的喜爱。Jasmine tea is the favorite of many old Beijingers , with its pure , clear taste and strong aroma.

他的老师深深地喝了一口,温暖地微笑着,且对这清冽甘甜的泉水非常感激他的学生。His teacher took a deep drink, smiled warmly, and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.

李晖的作品往往在一种工业化的强硬外在之下,透露出细腻而清冽的内在底蕴。Lihui's works always revealed its delicate and pure inner essence under the hard industrial appearance.

记得尽情享用列车上的东西,然后喝上几杯清冽的白葡萄酒冲洗一下肠胃。Remember to dine extravagantly on the train, washing down all you eat with several bottles of crisp white wine.

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知识是浩瀚的大海,而创造却是注入大海的一股清冽甘美的聪明泉。Is the middle of a vast ocean of knowledge, but to create is injected into the sea a luscious clear bright spring.

宝华彝族寨子,周围森林茂密,清冽的泉水从高山顶上倾泻而下,从寨子中的每一户农家的房前屋后流过。Yi Nationality village in Baohua. It is surrounded by dense forest and clean spring water passing through every house.

悠扬的配乐,仿佛壹阵清冽的风,而摇曳其中的爱情火烛,将画面与您的内心壹同点亮。Melodious music is as if a cool breeze. And the wavering candlelight of love will bright your heart with the brilliant pictures.

此款精致美酒使桑吉奥维斯葡萄的质朴清冽与梅洛葡萄的雅致、柔和达到完美平衡,十分怡人。A delightful wine balances the elegance and suppleness of Merlot and Syrah with the austerity of Sangiovese. A pleasure to drink.

小村四周山峰俊秀,层林叠翠,清冽的流溪河蜿蜒而过。Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains, emerald green layers of forests, and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by.

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入口有菠萝和桃子的香味,余味持久清冽,是一款易于接受的葡萄酒。Upfront tropical, ripe pineapple and peach aromas, are completed by a long, crisp aftertaste, creating a delightfully accessible wine.

两条河流沿着社区流过,像水晶一般清冽的水流,逐渐变成凶猛的瀑布,游客们总是按耐不住往水里跳。Two rivers run along the community property with crystal clear water and large, flowing waterfalls that often encourage visitors to dive in.

当时我们从家里走出,站在清冽的冻耳朵的空气里,多么像雪后从洞里钻出来的野兔……于是我把没有落墨的纸当作矮屋前大块白雪。At that time, walking out the little house, we stood in the cool air, which could freeze one’s ears. How like the hares just coming out from its hole we were.