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我在公司宴会上一直跟董事们相酬酢。I've been hobnobbing with the directors at the office party.

能使用熟练的粤语、遍及话和潮汕话举行酬酢。Access to skilled Cantonese, Putonghua and the Chaoshan remark Communication.

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我想问这能否意味着酬酢部正在加大开展公共酬酢的力度呢?I wonder if this means that the Foreign Ministry has intensified its work of public diplomacy.

我也将讨论他日常的诗酒酬酢、宴游活动及对扬州与江南景物的流连。I will also discuss Wang's daily life, cultural activities and his reminiscences of the Yangzhou and Jiangnan landscapes.

很多人手艺高深、工作突出,但没有获得提升,由于他们贫窭酬酢能力。Many people who are technically proficient and excellent at task management do not get promoted because they lack people skills.

我处置酬酢做事已有36年,纵然一直在进修和利用英语,但还是第一次到英国常驻。In my 36 years of diplomatic career, I have learned and used English, yet this is the first time for me to be actually posted in Britain.

我们巴望们能够进一步发挥主动作用,向中国黎民先容世界,也向世界先容中国国际的生长、中国酬酢的方针政策,更多地起到桥梁和纽带作用。And I hope that you will all serve as a bridge and bond in increasing mutual understanding between China and other countries in the world.

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我们也组织了一支精干的酬酢队伍,有些同事已经奔赴上海,有的计算启碇。We have established a strong team to help with the Expo. Some of my colleagues are already working in Shanghai and others will soon join them.

另外,酬酢部为援救办好本届世博会已经做了并且还将做哪些就业?And what has the foreign ministry done to help make this World Expo a success?And what more efforts will be made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

就在前一天,戴秉国国务委员又与米利班德酬酢大臣合伙举行了提进级别后的中英战略对话。Just yesterday Chinese State Councilor Dai Binuo and British Foreign Secretary Miliband held the strategic dialogue upgraded from vice minister level.

食品应是一种艺术,饮食应是一种享受,饭店在高品质的餐饮方面享有盛名。无论寿筵喜酌或是商务酬酢,设宴岷山,必能令宾主尽欢。Food should be a sort of art as dining a kind of entertainment. Min Shan hotel has long enjoyed a reputation for it remarkable cuisine and excellent drinks.

齐备的娱乐服务设施,是您忙里偷闲、迅速恢复神采的最佳去处,使您的商务酬酢锦上添花。The complete recreational facilities are the best places for you to enjoy and recover quickly in your busy time, and will enable your business to better and better.

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本年是中欧建立酬酢相干35周年,我们之间生存着的是一个稚的酬酢相干。This year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the European Union. China-EU relationship is a mature relationship.

已采取多项措施,以节省在纸张、电力、职务访问、酬酢、长途电话费、办公室租金、租车、文具和家具等各方面的开支。Various measures have been adopted to reduce expenses on paper electricity duty visits entertainment overseas telephone calls accommodation car rental stationery and furniture etc.