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投资于自我剖析?Invest in some self-exploration.

形容这种做法的术语就是”刻板剖析“The term for this would be "profiling."

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现在美国一位首席犯罪剖析研究专家。Now one of America's leading criminal profilers.

根据塔利尔广场所发生的做出剖析。Parsing reports of what happened in Tahrir Square.

自我剖析的书籍占有一席之地。Self-help books have carved quite a niche out of it.

随后深入剖析OLSR路由协议核心工作原理。Then we will goto the core working principle of OLSR.

布朗对屋大维的性格剖析慢慢成形。Brown's profile of Octavian is beginning to take shape.

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也许决定对自己进行剖析是个错误的决定。Maybe the decision to make a clear an analysis is wrong.

在这里,我们剖析这种控制的挑战的三个例子。Here, we treat three examples of such control chal­lenges.

所以,他不停地自我剖析,自我反省,自我忏悔。So he continually dissected, examined and repented himself.

剖析表现溶液中有几格令的砷。The analysis showed a few grains of arsenic in the solution.

剖析大金GU-2080水性脱模剂配方组成。GU-2080 Analysis of Daikin water-based release agent formula.

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本文主要剖析词语误译的原因。The paper mainly focuses on the issue of word mistranslation.

主要是结合论文研究对函数部分进行案例剖析。It case-anatomy the function part to support the text's study.

其次,剖析了过度医疗产生的机理。Secondly, we study the generating mechanism of over-treatment.

断面形貌剖析能看到一层明显的堆积层。Section morphology analysis can see a layer of obvious facies.

对工业竖炉还原生产数据进行了剖析。The technical data from industrial shaft production is analysed.

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第二部分对冷战的爆发及其对中国的影响进行了系统阐发和剖析。I have explained the outburst of the cold war and impact on China.

剖析我们的态度有助于了解自己的潜能。Anatomy of an attitude is what that helps us realize our potential.

他在这篇文章里透彻地剖析了德意志民族性格。He thoroughly takes the German national charater apart in the essay.