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深邃的宝石红。Deep ruby-red.

宝石是可以伪装的。Stones can be disguised.

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幸福是一块丰裕的宝石。Happiness is a rich stone.

那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem-studded comb.

那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem- studded comb.

没有这些宝石色调的靴子。Not these jewel-toned boots.

明亮的如樱桃般的宝石红色。Bright ruby-red, cherry like.

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金刚钻是一种宝石。A diamond is a precious stone.

宝石有激活状态。Gems have activation conditions.

我们住在宝石饭店。We’re staying at the Hotel Opal.

他是用一座山凿出来的宝石。He is the stone cut without hands.

黄金宝石饰锄犁。When gold and gems adorn the plow.

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一款非常精致的宝石对对碰游戏。A very delicate game gem of a Kind.

那双明眸犹如宝石湛蓝,嵌在雪地之上。Her eyes are sapphires set in snow.

他闪烁著宝石的光茫而来。And he rode with a jewelled twinkle.

宝石般的红艳色泽浓郁迷人。This wine is rich ruby red in color.

我能看到宝石里面有一个墨点。I can see a black dot in zhe diamond.

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中度酒体葡萄酒,呈深宝石红色泽。Medium-bodied in deep ruby red color.

你的王冠上最珍贵的一颗宝石…The most precious jewel in your crown.

我有着一双宝石般的黑色眼睛。I have a pair of jewel-like black eyes.