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你的身段很迷人。You have an attractive figure.

他是一个哀怜的身段矮小的人。He is a miserable little person.

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这身黑衣服极好地显示出她的身段。The black dress flattered her figure.

强调你自己妖娆女人的身段。Accentuate your curves and womanly body.

身段高挑的那个便是我的小女儿。The willowy one is my youngest daughter.

那件连衣裙并不怎么能够衬出她的身段。That dress doesn't do much for her figure.

姑娘的身段在青春期变得丰满。The figure of a girl fills out at puberty.

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那件时装把她的身段衬托得更加优美。The fashion sets her figure off to advantage.

1909年的时尚标准是︰20岁的面孔,15岁的身段,50岁的胸怀。In 1909 the face said 20, the waist said 15, the bosom 50.

她的身段比较苗条,因此比娜塔丽更加诱人。Her figure was slighter and therefore more seductive than Natalie.

她的秀发和优美的身段弥补了她丑陋的面孔。Her beautiful hair and figure make a compensation for her ugly face.

你若是女士,千万不要穿贴身内衣,除非你拥有完美身段。If you're a woman, never wear lingerie unless your figure is perfect.

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身段可能是一个女人最先吸引我目光的地方。Its probably the first thing|that catches my attention about a woman.

她又高又大,有著一个中国北方的典型身段。She was tall and big, a typical built from the Northern region of China.

买称身的而且适合你身段长度的衣服。Buy what fits and be objective about what length flatters your body type.

美女们应该找到自己的方式,挺直腰板或是放下身段,来讨好男人。Ladies should find their own ways, standing up or lying down, to impress men.

他们应该改变这种坏习惯,放下身段,与众同乐。They should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased what is pleasing.

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不少女生为了保持苗条身段或为了减肥,往往视甜食为洪水猛兽。Many women to keep slim or in order to lose weight, often seen as great scourges.

天海萤是一名利用法律知识和诱人身段作武器的女侦探。Hotaru Amami is a female investigator who has wisdom of law and a beautiful figure.

这是真的——我们中的大多数并不拥有完美的肌肤,而且也没有模特一样的完美身段。This is true -- most people do not have perfect skin, and most people are not model-thin.