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踢季前热身赛在我想法之内。Playing in the pre-season games is in my mind.

他俩在热身赛中的表现如何?Senderos played in most of the build-up matches.

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我们绝对不想失去任何季前热身赛。We definitely don't want to lose any pre-season games.

我已经在季前热身赛中踢了一些比赛,并且现在我感觉很好。I have played some games in pre-season and I feel OK now.

月6日星期一做客本菲卡的赛季前热身赛敲定。Mon June 6th A pre-season friendly at Benfica is confirmed.

但是我将在奥运会之前,在热身赛中试着比赛。But I will try to compete in some warm-ups before the Olympics.

我们淘汰了大部分热身赛中的长跑者,只有最优秀的进入决赛。We eliminate most of the runners in the heats, only the best run in the final.

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在世界杯开赛之前,我们还要进行两场热身赛。Before the beginning of the World Cup, we will attend two warm-up competitions.

一如阿根廷在热身赛上的表现,他们玩得那样轻松,一如训练课一般。It was like a warm-up game for Argentina, who finished like it was a training session.

“我很高兴,”葡萄牙战术大师说,“这是一场很好的热身赛。”"I'm pleased, " stated the Portuguese tactician. "It was a very good training session.

在飞往瑞士训练营之前,我们季前热身赛的对手是圣加伦队。Before that is a Swiss training camp and our first pre-season friendly versus St Gallen.

埃里克森希望欧文可以在为世界杯进行的热身赛中就展现出自己的攻击力。Eriksson expects Owen to boost his sharpness in the friendlies running up to the finals.

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球队青年军在热身赛中吃败仗对我们来说倒也没什么大不了。Losing one pre-season friendly match with your youth team should not mean anything to you.

“我们的热身赛表现很好”年轻的意大利国脚说到。"The pre-season was good, " declared the young Italian international to sportmediaset. it.

在24日举行的最后一场热身赛中,阿根廷5比0狂扫加拿大队,状态上佳。Argentina is in fine form after thrashing Canada 5-0 Monday in its final warmup for the World Cup.

实际上,我们在欧洲的热身赛上所有的失误通常我们都不会犯。In fact we have made mistakes in all three of our European friendlies and that's not normal for us.

但这仅仅是两场热身赛,我们此前做了大量工作,也训练得很刻苦。But these have been two warm-up games and we have been working on a lot of things and training hard.

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这是典型的热身赛,我们用年轻球员和主力混合的阵型。Overall I thought it was a typical pre-season game and we used a mixture of senior and young players.

那年在利物浦,我们拿到了三冠王,并且在对德国对的热身赛上我独中三元。When I won it Liverpool had just won three trophies and I'd scored a hat-trick for England in Germany.

柯林斯说,在南非队最近与危地马拉队举行一场热身赛前夕,他在南非队入住的酒店里发现了一名巫医。Collins says he spotted a sangoma at the team's hotel ahead of a recent warm-up game against Guatemala.