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他曾经是中国首富。He used to top the list of China's richest.

印度首富可能有咬掉超过他贪多嚼不烂。India's richest man may have bitten off more than he can chew.

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当然,如果她取代斯利姆成为全球首富,这种情况可能改变。That may change, of course, if she takes the title from Mr. Slim.

根据福布斯消息,丁磊曾在2003年短暂的成为中国首富。Ding was briefly China's richest man in 2003, according to Forbes.

根据福布斯消息,丁磊曾在2003年短暂的成为中国首富。Ding was briefly China’s richest man in 2003, according to Forbes.

曾一度是中国首富的黄光裕是出了名的不安分人物。Mr. Huang, once China's richest man, is known for rocking the boat.

扎纳托斯是特洛斯星球首富克里昂的儿子。Xanatos was the son of Crion, the wealthiest man on the planet Telos.

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他从1995年年到2007年还有2009年都一直保持着全球首富的位置。He remained the richest overall from 1995 to 2007 as well as through 2009.

有一位乘客是世界首富级的阿佛烈.范德比尔特。The Lusitania's passengers included Alfred Vanderbilt, one of the World's richest men.

他是2008年和2004及2005年胡润中国富豪榜的首富。He topped the annual Hurun Report's rankings of China's richest in 2008, 2004 and 2005.

我最喜欢幻想的是卖彩票中大奖成为全球首富。My favorite fantasy is that I win the lottery and become the richest person in the world.

但如果评选世界大学中的“首富”,那非哈佛莫属。But if the selection of the world's "richest man, " it is none other than the non-Harvard.

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晚上回家无意中看了一段亚洲女首富—香港地产商—龚如心的生平记述,一个很传奇的人物。I saw a TV record program of the Asia's richest woman, Gong Ruxin's life, a legendary figure.

去年的中国首富、房地产业女继承人杨惠妍是今年损失最惨重的富豪。Last year's wealthiest person, real estate heiress Yang Huiyan, is this year's biggest loser.

当王健林走出他的劳斯莱斯,人们停下来拍摄这位中国内地首富。When Wang Jianlin steps out of his Rolls-Royce, people stop to photograph China's richest man.

亚洲则共有70位这样的富翁。其中亚洲首富沙特阿拉伯王子阿瓦里德排名第11位。Asia, led by Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud at No. 11, notched 70 billionaires.

巴菲特用一生实现了,世界首富的聚与世界首捐的散。Buffett achieved with his life, the world's richest man, together with the world's biggest donator.

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他穿上餐服准备到美国首富的生日聚会上去担任侍者。He put on a dinner jacket to serve as a waiter at the birthday party of The Richest Man in America.

据媒体报道,中国首富将要进入中共中央委员会。Cina's richest man is set to join the ruling Communist Party's Central Committee, media reports say.

墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯•斯利姆•赫鲁成福布斯新首富。Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim Helu was named by Forbes magazine as the world's richest person.