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你是否尝试过从老板的角度来看待自己?Have you tried to see yourself through your boss's eyes?

30年前,我曾经同样做过从伊斯坦布尔到德黑兰旅行。I had made this same Istanbul-to-Tehran trip 30 years ago.

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你试过从一个小孩手里要一样东西吗?Have you ever tried to take something away from a little boy?

“之前有有过从执法组织来的请求,”她说。"There have been requests from law enforcement agencies," she said.

伊丽莎白一直没收到过从彭伯里寄来的信。Elizabeth had received none since her return, that could come from Pemberley.

您曾试过从帽子里变出一只兔子,或是让重物飘浮在空中吗?Have you ever tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat or make a heavy object levitate?

他可能还希望过从波兰来的消息能迫使瑞典人撤军。He may have hoped that news just arrived from Poland might oblige the Swedes to withdraw.

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如果你曾想过从非常详细的视角审视一下你投入的资金,这个工具就可以做到。If you ever wanted to see money put into very detailed perspective, this will do it for you.

茅盾早期的文学选择有过从“新浪漫主义”退回“自然主义”的变化。Mao Dun's early literary career underwent the change from neo-romanticism back to naturalism.

他经历过从贫穷到有固定资产,对希望丧失信心,在此过程中他教会了我许多东西。He went from poverty to financial stability, despair to hope, and taught me much in the process.

消防战士走过从车站消防2009年8月30日浓烟的阿尔顿,加利福尼亚州。Fire fighters walk through thick smoke from the Station Fire August 30, 2009 in Acton, California.

“我曾将看见过从13岁到40岁之间的很多女孩”,他说。"I ended up seeing cases with girls as young as 13 and women in their 40s and everything in between," he said.

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日本、加拿大和澳大利亚等国都经历过从最高评级被下调的耻辱。Japan, Canada and Australia, among others, have suffered the ignominy of being downgraded from top credit ratings.

与贝恩德·施奈德一样,弗林斯在职业生涯中几乎打过从右后卫到左边路的所有位置。Like Bernd Schneider, Frings has played in almost every position, from right-back to left wing, during his career.

医生是市里最有成就的婚姻调解师。他处理过从滥用毒品到不忠到家庭暴力等各种问题。A. G doctor is the most famous mediator of marriage. he dealed with abuse drugs, disloyal people and domestic violence.

记者在“不夜城”见到的一个大一学生说,他以前试过从香港订购iPhone,这次他在“不夜城”买了一支。A college freshman at the Sleepless Mall said he had tried to order an iPhone from Hong Kong, then bought one at the mall.

饰演过从少女到扫地老太太,从白领到农村妇女等多个角色。She has played a wide range of roles, from a young girl to an old cleaning lady, from a white collar worker to a country woman.

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据说他近况很好,不过同达西先生过从太密,以致姐妹兄弟很少机会见面。He was well, but so much engaged with Mr. Darcy, that they scarcely ever saw him. I found that Miss Darcy was expected to dinner.

你想到过从巴特西养狗场挑一条小狗吗?我知道那里有各种各样的漂亮狗。Have you thought about picking a pup from the Dog's Home at Battersea? I know there are some lovely ones there of all shapes and sizes.

弗莱明先生两次赢得纽约市马拉松比赛,训练过从大学到国家的很多运动员。Mr. Fleming won the New York City Marathon twice and has coached athletes ranging from adolescents to college and nationally ranked runners.