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皇蛾生活于温带森林。Emperor moths live in temperate forests.

欧洲和亚洲温带一年生草。annual grass of Europe and temperate Asia.

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苹果树广植在温带地区。The apple is widely grown in temperate regions.

全境属海洋性温带阔叶林气候。All belong to maritime climate temperate forest.

菲特将于12小时内转化为温带气旋。Extratropical transition should finish in 12 hours.

韩国属温带的东亚季风气候。Korea enjoys a moderate monsoonal climate in East Asia.

这两个冬青树和常春藤在生长十分温带气候。Both holly and ivy grow abundantly in temperate climates.

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你是我的温带海洋性气候,一直都是暖暖的。You are my temperate marine climate, has always been warm.

海棠是重要的温带观赏花木,在我国和世界园林中广泛应用。The flower of Chinese crabapple is always loved by Chinese.

气候由南方的亚热带向北方的温带变化。It varies from tropical in south to cool temperate in north.

事实上,主要的温带和北部森林的面积都在扩大。In fact all major temperate and boreal forests are expanding.

你是我的温带海洋性气候一直都是暖暖的。You're my temperate maritime climate being warm all the time.

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非传染性疾病并无南北界限,不分温带还是热带,也不论贫富。NCDs face no North-South, tropical-temperate, rich-poor divide.

大部分城市都位于温带。The majority of the big cities are located in the temperate zone.

澳洲南部属于温带气候,四季分明。South Australia has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons.

欧楂果是欧洲温带地区的特色水果。This fruit is characteristic mainly to the temperate parts of Europe.

木星上的大红斑位于一个名叫南温带的区域。Jupiter's Great Red Spot is in an area named the South Temperate Belt.

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温带果树富裕了山地居民的生活。Temperate-zone fruit trees have brought prosperity to many aborigines.

河南省属于温带大陆性气候,夏季多雨。Henan has a temperate continental climate, with most rainfall in summer.

此外,安加拉植物群代表了温带气候条件。In addition, the Angara flora represents a temperate climatic condition.