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这件大衣的衬领应该拆洗了。The coats detachable collar needs washing.

舒适可拆洗坐垫,柔软的触觉更贴近宝宝。Soft quick detachable cushion can be washed.

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大到去拆洗仿皮袋鹅卵石麂皮。Great to-go bag made of washable faux leather pebbled suede.

专利免拆洗功能刮洗装置,节省您的时间。Patent free function of unpick and wash washing device, save your time.

记忆泡沫外层覆盖一层可拆洗式表层布套,是优质睡眠的最佳伙伴。Memory foam covered in a removable and washable cover makes for a great sleeping partner.

重量轻、体积小,移动非常方便。6、可快速拆洗。Light weight, small size, the mobile is very convenient. 6, can quickly take apart and wash.

有毛巾布和天鹅绒的外套供选择。外套可拆洗。Poly Terry or Velour fabric for your choice, and the outer cover can be removed for easy clean.

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全不�钢装配拆洗快速,少量,多品种之充填最适合。Its stainless assemblage is easy to tear down and wash, which prefers a little amount and various fill-in.

它带有两个拆洗内衬,一个防潮袋弄脏项目,以及大量的储物袋。It comes with two washable liners, a moisture resistant soiled items bag, and plenty of pockets for storage.

采用固定式刮料装置,且可快捷地进行拆洗,物料盘可进行旋转,从而避免了清洁死角。The fixed scraper device makes the cleaning quickly and easily. The materials tray is rotary which avoid the dead corner.

若长期不使用机器,在使用前应拆洗机件,涂上防锈油后再装机。If you don't use the machine for a long time, you should disassemble and clean it, then grease the parts with antirust oil.

该机型具有体积小、能耗低、操作控制简单、易于移动拆洗等特点。The dryer has many characteristics, such as small dimension, low power consumption, simple operation, easy removal and so on.

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结构简单易做,安装、拆洗、更换都十分方便,且使用安全。The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, simple manufacture, convenient installation, disassembly, washing and replacement and high safety.

回收二手航母,大修核反应堆,拆洗和洗导弹发动机油,清洁的航空母舰,航天飞机,维修,这样的变化。Recycling second-hand aircraft carrier, overhaul nuclear reactor, unpick and wash missile engine oil, clean aircraft carrier, space shuttle, maintenance, such change.

这种滤油器既不用停车拆洗就可以自动冲洗杂质异物,又能阻止部分颗粒进入液压系统。The oil filter is not only capable of automatically flushing the impurity without stopping and demounting but also capable of stopping part particles entering the hydraulic system.

根据江诗丹顿手表品质不同,拆洗费也多少不等,像欧米茄手表,普通手表的拆洗费是770元,如果是金表,拆洗费在800元以上。According to the quality of different watches, and fees are somewhat unequal, like OMEGA watches, watches and the average fee is 770 yuan, if it is a gold watch, and cost more than 800 yuan.

应用本实用新型,睡袋可作为棉被使用,同时由于是可展开的单层棉被结构,便于被面的拆洗。The utility model is used, the sleeping bag can be used as the quilt, simultaneously a quilt cover is convenient to be detached and washed because of the extension single layer quilt structure.