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速度限制?Speed limit?

这种方式速度极慢。This was slow.

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如果我将速度加倍。I double the speed.

翘曲速度安全吗?Is Warp Speed Safe?

他放慢了坐骑的速度。He pulled his mount.

锭子速度高。Higher spindle speed.

他们说这是“失速速度”。Stall speed, they say.

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列车放慢了速度。The train slowed down.

全速前进速度20节。Full sea speed 20 knots.

把速度降下来,吉姆。Slow down the rate, Jim.

愚人的仓卒是没有速度。Fool's haste is no speed.

提高你的打字速度。Improve your typing speed.

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这个速度应该是多少?What should that speed be?

他的马降低了速度改以慢步行进。His horse slowed to a Walk.

我们船以每小时6海里的速度行驶。Our ship steams at 6 knots.

速度高,内存省。High-speed, memory province.

南希打字速度非常快。Nancy can type very quickly.

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神经传导速度检查异常。The NCV tests were abnormal.

他们以平稳的速度开车。They drove at a steady rate.

它们以平方的速度增长They go up at rates squared.