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由此说来,我们成了书香民族。We became a people of the book.

书香仿佛空气,无处不在。We breathe but the air of books.

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看书是免费的,而且书香宜人。The books are free there, and it smells great.

白伯骅,1944年出生于北京的一个书香世家。Bai Bohua, born in Beijing in 1944 to a literary family.

淡墨纸,弥漫着悠悠书香,满是浓浓记忆。The ink paper, filled with long book, full of deep memory.

柳愉生语言天赋很高,人如其名充满了书香气。Liu Yusheng language is very talented, "full of book aroma."

这里书香还包括墨香,故以书墨合之。Fragrance flavor of ink and books spreads throughout the campus.

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订制的木家具,是表现书香的灵魂。All the custom-made wood furniture in the study room go hand-in-hand.

这本科技书书香扑面,我毫不犹豫地买下来了。With wafts of the science book kissing me I bought it without hesitation.

杜甫出身于书香之家,他整个青少年时期都在书房里埋头读书。Du Fu was born into a family of scholars. His youth was spent reading books.

让书香浸润校园,让经典陪伴童年。Let the books infiltrate the campus, let the classics accompany the childhood.

在我上小学时,学校举办了一个“书香校园”活动。When I was in elementary school the school held a "scholarly campus" activities.

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以无穷动的摇晃令你带着上一个富足朝代的书香度过七个贫瘠的王朝。Of perpetuum mobile that lasts you for seven lean dynasties since the last fat one.

传统的门楼是青石条垒成,凿以门楣,书香之家还要附上对联。The traditional gate house is made of stone stripes, and be cut a hole as a lintel.

人文气,书香气,蓬勃的朝气把半岛的春天涂抹的更加绚丽。The atmosphere of learning has made the spring of the Peninsula even more magnificent.

习惯了有你在,一起埋葬于书海,让空气渐渐弥漫一种优雅的书香。Are you in the habit together buried in the sea, and air to diffuse an elegant gradually Elegant.

校园布局合理,环境优美,拥有浓郁的书香校园气氛。Campus rational layout and beautiful environment, with rich, sophisticated atmosphere of the campus.

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在我们家庭书香活动中,家长十分的积极参加,支持我们的活动。Scholarly activities in our family, the parents and the active participation and support in our activities.

让书香化为生命的馨香,让暴戾凶残化为祥和温柔。May the aroma of books seep into our lives, and thereby changes cruelty and violence into peace and gentleness.

同学们,只要我们静心阅读,就能体味书香,享受到无限乐趣,让书籍做我们一生的好伙伴吧!Children, Let us starting reading, to feel the peacefulness and delight, and have books as a friend in our life.