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他正在把一幅速写加工成一幅画。He is working up a sketch into a picture.

他在速写簿上画出了男孩头像素描。He sketched a boy's head on the sketchpad.

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速写本是你理想的试验场。Sketchbooks are an ideal place to experiment.

速写本是我的一部分,一个持续的日记。The sketch book is part of me, a on-going diary.

他打算在他的速写薄上列一张表。He is going to make some lists in his sketch-book.

我一时大意,在我的家庭作业的空白处画起速写来。I sketched inattentively along the margins of my homework.

可以照张相或是画张速写,但不要去摘花。Take a picture or sketch the flower instead of picking it.

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现在又迷上了大自然,于是画了张动物的速写。I'm kind of addict to the nature, so I drew those sketches!

很有创意的速写册,可供你画出网址和网页应用软件。Creative sketchbook allows you to draw websites and web apps.

他为在阿玛那发现的很多不寻常的人工制品画了速写。He sketched many of the unusual artifacts found at el Amarna.

那些学美术的学生在游行队伍经过时画了速写。The art students sketched the people in the parade as it passed.

伯顿总是随身带着的厚厚的,口袋大小的速写本。Burton always carries his dense, pocket-size sketchbook with him.

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简介观点时装画速写重要。Profile perspectives are important in fashion illustration croquis.

现在又迷上了大自然,于是画了张动物的速写。希望你能喜欢!I'm kind of addict to the nature, so I drew those sketches! Hope you like it!

这里的关键是必须要在长时期作业的同时,大量画速写和默写。The key is to draw amount of sketch and write from memory while long-term practice.

它将包括193幅油画、素描和速写,还有一个18屏的大银幕。It will include 193 paintings, drawings and sketchbooks, alongside an 18-screen film.

平常闲着无聊,靠画几张速写打发自己的生活!Usually idles is being bored, depends on the picture several sketches to send own life!

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参加婚礼或葬礼时,你总能画出半打人物速写画。You create half a dozen character sketches every time you attend a wedding or a funeral.

速写手绘风,在2010年会变得更基本,不太会是网页设计的主要焦点。Sketch in 2010 will become more elemental, and not as much the main focus of a web design.

草图速写和制作模型也是观看的动作,除了我认为观看还有广义的含义。Sketching and taking photographs are also acts of seeing but what I mean by seeing is broader.