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恶魔崇拜的思想狂潮只不过让其销量锦上添花而已。A moral panic about devil-worship only drove sales higher.

加了工资还有工资照发的假期,真是锦上添花。A free vacation on top of a pay raise is icing on the cake.

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这些小玻璃杯将为您的聚会锦上添花。These miniature glasses will bring a sparkle to your party.

他的那篇高度评价古典希腊艺术的论文真是锦上添花。His article praising classical Greek art is just gilding lily.

漂亮的姑娘加上化装,是锦上添花。在这些教材中出现过…For the beautiful girl to use makeup would be to gild the lily.

如果在制作时工艺精湛,那就更会锦上添花。If the exquisite production craft, it will be icing on the cake.

枷锁锦上添花似地得了18分,喇嘛从替补席上窜上来也得到了16分。Pau Gasol added 18 points and Lamar Odom had 16 in a reserve role.

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准备好--有计划是好事,有准备会锦上添花。Prepare for Your Day – Planning is good, preparing is even better.

而古旧乐器又有着一段历史让其熠熠生辉,锦上添花。And old instruments often have a history that adds to their lustre.

更巧妙的减价管理办法不过是锦上添花。A smarter approach to mark-down management is just the icing on the cake.

大港印染,为您的多彩生活锦上添花!DangGang dyeing and printing CO. work for your wonderful life to be better!

在三折页的设计上,良将匠心独运,别出心裁,精美图片的插入更是锦上添花。In the design of the three folding, him, classic, elegant picture insert more.

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撒一小把在沙拉的上面,然后再添加一些您所热衷的沙拉酱,这么做会让你领略到什么是食物的锦上添花。Sprinkle a handful over the top and then toss with your favorite salad dressing.

如果香港的博物馆得以建成,那么这座博物馆将会锦上添花。If the museum in Hong Kong had materialized, then it would have been in addition.

桌上的橙色大丽花为美好的感恩时节锦上添花。The orange dahlias at Serena's table are the perfect hue for a Thanksgiving dinner.

红狮子鱼褐白相间的条纹真是为它的毒刺锦上添花。The red lionfish sports maroon and white stripes to complement its venomous spines.

贝巴和鲁尼如今蓄势待发,欧文也可以为曼联锦上添花。With Dimitar Berbatov and Wayne Rooney primed to flower anew, Owen can gild the lily.

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好域名,让您无与伦比的网站锦上添花,趋向完美!Good domain name lets your unparalleled website add colored, trend perfect on brocade!

要是还能顺便帮助一对不孕夫妇,那就更是锦上添花了。And if you happen to help a childless couple along the way, that's just icing on the cake.

当然,如果你实在想锦上添花,那么就在耳垂背后擦上几滴葡萄汁吧。Of course, if you'd really like a boost, dab a bit of grapefruit juice behind your ear lobes.